(Morning News) The United States accused Russia accusing Russia that obstructs the passing of the substantial achievements of the Nuclear weapon treaty (NPT) of the Ukraine Zapolo nuclear power plant.

The State Department of the United States issued a statement on Sunday (August 28) saying: "Russia does this to avoid acknowledging the risk of serious radioactive risks to acknowledge the Zapollo -region."

On August 26, the closing meeting of the 10th review meeting of the Nuclear Treaty Treaty of the Nuclear Treaty was held.Because the parties to the party cannot reach a consensus on the draft results documents, the meeting was postponed and negotiated on the draft of the results documents.Four hours later, the chairman of the conference, Zlovinin, announced that the substantive results documents were unable to pass because a member state had objected to the draft.

It was reported before that Russia opposed the draft because the results documents were written in the related content of the Ukraine conflict.

The meeting decided to be held in New York in 2026.The first meeting of the preparatory committee of the 11th review conference was held in Vienna in 2023, and the second and third meetings were held in Geneva and New York in 2024 and 2025, respectively.The meeting decided that in order to strengthen the subsequent review process of the treaty, a working group that would open all the contracting countries will be established.

The non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty takes effect in 1970, aiming to prevent the diffusion of nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons and reduce and eliminate nuclear risks.Promote the international cooperation of peaceful use of nuclear energy and promote the realization of nuclear disarmament.The treaty stipulates that after the effectiveness, a review meeting is held every five years to enforce the treaty of the treaty.

The 10th review conference was originally planned to be held from April to May 2020, but it was postponed to August this year due to the crown disease epidemic.In 2015, the ninth review conference failed to reach any results documents at the end.

The results document requires 191 member states to reach a consensus to pass.