(Kuala Lumpur / Shayanan Comprehensive News) Malaysia may be very arrogant in the rumors of this year's election. The main political parties in the court and the opposite side have hosted a conference or reported on Saturday to discuss preparations for the election.

The currently ruling National Alliance (National Alliance) and the Turkish Unity Party Chairman Mu Yuding revealed in the closing of the National League at the National League conference that some members of the cabinet told him that the Prime Minister Eismishabi BidiOn October 7th, he would personally present a fiscal budget to Congress in person. Therefore, he expected that the Issima will announce the dissolution of parliament after the fiscal case.

He said that the financial case is generally submitted by the Minister of Finance. Now the Prime Minister must not only propose in person, but also advance the date."Why do you do this? I think it is very likely that after the financial case on October 7, Congress will not debate because the next day will dissolve ... We expect the election to be held soon."

The Issima government announced on Friday (August 26) that it will be submitted on October 7th, which is three weeks earlier than the original date.This was interpreted as the UMNO "lawsuit" compromise that asked for the early election as soon as possible, so Malaysia is likely to hold a general election in November this year.

Muyudin reminded Esmai and the date of discussion with the National League

However, Mu Yuding, the former Prime Minister, reminded Esmai not to forget the agreement signed with the National Alliance, and it must be discussed with the National League before deciding the election date.

The Hope Alliance (Pakatan Harapan) and the Chairman of the People's Justice Party Anhua also believed that the government agreed to present a financial case in advance, showing that Esmai did face tremendous pressure on UMNO, which also showed that the election was coming.

He posted a video in Facebook that after the Pakatan Harapan and the Issima government signed the cross -party memorandum, the two sides would start negotiations on important topics from time to time."We didn't even start discussing the content of the financial case, and they hurriedly decided. We can assume that this is to give the Prime Minister's decision (early) the date of the election."

After attending the Conference on the Election of the Justice Party on Saturday, Anwar said, "In the face of UMNO's pressure, Ismai is too weak. He is not a prime minister who can make his own decision."

Mahathir: The government has not been prepared for the preparation election this year.

However, another former Prime Minister Mahathir believes that the election is unlikely to be held this year, because the government has not been prepared, and many UMNO leaders have not been grasped.

He is also the chairman of the motherland fighter party. After attending the rally of the new allies Pan Malaysia, he answered questions from reporters: "The government is usually for the election when the confidence wins, but for now, I am not working.I think there are many leaders in Umno who think they can win the election. "

He also does not think that Ismai thinks in the election this year, because if the election is in the current election, Esmai may not be guaranteed."He (Esmai) is now enjoying being the prime minister and wants to do it as long as possible ... but we don't know, because (Chairman of UMNO) Ahmad Zahi wants to be interrogated in criminal cases in this year."

The Malaysian power organization is clean and fair election alliance (net selection alliance), and urges Esmai to not succumb to stress and insist on completing the prime minister's term.

The net selection alliance issued a statement saying that Esmai must remember that his position of his Prime Minister was authorized by Congress, not UMNO."If the supporters of corruption are successful, as long as the politicians can win the election, they will not bear any legal consequences due to illegal and plunder.