(Morning News) South Korean President Yin Xiyue said that the government and the court should conform to the national interests and improve people's livelihood.

Yonhap News Agency reported that at the press conference of Yin Xiyue on Monday (August 29) at the press conference of the Longshan Presidential Palace in Seoul, the first day of the new party was selected by the Democratic Party.Interests and people's livelihoods are realized into one.He believes that the government is necessary to cooperate with Congress including the opposition party.

South Korea's largest Democratic Party on Sunday (28th) in the Wild Party held a regular national congress conference in Seoul. Member Li Zaiming was elected as the party with a vote of 77.77%.

Li Zaiming said in his speech that he would propose to Yin Xiyue to hold a "leader talk" to seek solutions for major issues.However, the presidential office did not respond to this.

The South Korean President's Office congratulated Li Zaiming's election on the same day; Jin Enhui, chief secretary of the Presidential Office of the Presidential Office, released news that he looked forward to Li Zaiming's cooperation with the government to solve various people's livelihood problems for the people.

The Presidential Office said in May this year that the so -called "leadership talks" is only the title of the president of the President and the first period of the ruling party, and he has a negative attitude towards the president's first meeting in the wild party alone.At that time, Yin Xiyue showed that he was not a "leader" and proposed to meet the leadership team of the opposition.