(Morning News) The South Korean government's procedure for the land used by the US military to transfer the "Sade" anti -missile system (THAAD) is expected to be completed in mid -September.Location coordinates, etc.

The "Sade" base in South Korea is now used for the Korean military, and must be transferred to the US military.According to the status agreement of the US Army in South Korea (SOFA), Sade's investment, operation, and maintenance costs are borne by the United States. The South Korean side is responsible for providing supporting facilities such as the base and hydropower and other supporting facilities.If Han and Mei will go to all the administrative procedures stipulated in the status agreement of the US Army in Korea, it is likely that it will not be settled until mid -September.

The base covers an area of about 1.48 million square meters. In April 2017, the first section of the first section was 32.7779 million square meters. The second location has not been completed so far.The second plot disclosed by the Ministry of National Defense in 2017 was about 370,000 square meters, and the total of about 700,000 square meters.

Senior officials at the South Korean President's Office said earlier that the Sad anti -missile system is a self -defense defense of national life and property security that is not threatened by North Korean nuclear guidance. It is related to national security sovereignty and cannot be compromised.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said after the talks of China and South Korea ’s foreign ministers that the deployment of Sade in South Korea has obviously damaged China's strategic security interests. China has repeatedly stated to the South Korean side.One -limit "policy announcement.

The so -called "three unlimited limits" means that the Korean side does not increase the deployment of Sade, does not form the Korean -American and Japanese military alliance, does not participate in the US missile defense system, and restricts the actual use of existing Sade.