(Morning News) Russia warns that if the United States takes any actions that may confiscate Russian assets, this means that bilateral relations will break completely.

Tas Society Saturday (August 13) quoted Alexander Darchiev, "we must warn Americans to take this kind of action to permanently damage bilateral relations by taking this action.This is neither in line with them nor our interests. "

It is not clear which assets of Dakyev referred to.

Dakayev also said that the influence of the United States on Ukraine has reached the level of "increasingly participating in military conflict".

In addition, Reuters quoted the International Increasing Telecommunications Agency (IFAX) that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 13th that the Russian army has fully controlled Pisky in the suburbs of the Ukrandonnesk area.Essence

The Russian Ministry of Defense also said that the Russian army destroyed a set of high -mobility multi -tube rocket systems Himars (Himars), provided by the United States near Kramatorsk.

Reuters cannot immediately verify Russian reports.