(Morning News) The Sri Lanka government approved the controversial China "Yuanwang 5" measurement ship on Saturday (August 13) to stop at a port near India.

Yuanwang No. 5 was originally scheduled to stop at Hambantota on the 11th. Because of India's opposition, Colombo asked Beijing to postpone the visit indefinitely.But Sri Lanka Chief Silva disclosed to AFP on the 13th that he has obtained a permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will stop from Hangban Tota from the 16th to 22nd.

India is worried that this Chinese research ship may be used to monitor Indian military facilities.China claims that Yuanwang No. 5 is a space measurement ship, but Indian media said it is a dual -use spy ship.

The Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently stated that it will pay close attention to "any impact on India's security and economic benefits, and will take all necessary measures to protect the interests of the Indian party."

The port of Hanba Tota is the key cooperation project of the "Belt and Road" in China. It is located at the southern end of Sri Lanka. It is a comprehensive artificial deep -water port.