(Morning News) North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un announced the success of the victim the next dayWear masks and relax social epidemic prevention measures.

Agence France -Presse quoted a report from the North Korean Society on Saturday (August 13) that "Given that the country has become an epidemic -free area, except for front lines and border cities and counties, the rest of the country will no longer need to be mandatory to wear it.Mask. "

Socially social distance and other epidemic prevention measures are also canceled.

However, the North Korean government suggested that people with respiratory symptoms continue to wear masks and call on people to "keep abnormal things" to continue to be vigilant.What North Korea refers to the propaganda objects that South Korea put into North Korea.

North Korea has notified nearly 4.8 million fever cases and 74 deaths since the end of April.No new cases have been notified since the end of July.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and health experts have always been skeptical of Pyongyang's crown disease data and claim to successfully suppress the epidemic.

Experts say that North Korea is low in medical care, the hospital equipment is simple, and the intensive care unit facilities are very small.

The website of North Korea, a website that specializes in North Korea and the website of North Korea, and provides the situation of North Korea, NK News, recently reported that although China provides a certain number of crown diseases for North Korea, it is generally believed that North Korea officials have not for it for it for it for it.26 million population vaccination.