The number of students issued to Chinese citizens in the first half of 2022 in the United States in the first half of 2022 decreased by more than 50%compared with the level before the crown disease.

According to the Wall Street Journal, as early as the epidemic, Chinese students have begun to turn the place of studying abroad to other places. On the one handMore domestic and international choices.The rising travel restrictions during the epidemic period and the rise in security concerns have pushed this speed.

Reporting quoted data from the US State Department showed that six months before 2022, the United States issued 31055 F-1 visas to Chinese citizens, a decrease from 64,261 copies in the same period in 2019.F-1 is a student visa in the United States.

It is reported that the income of large and small universities across the United States has been hit, including State Flagship University.

The University of Nebraska's University of Lincoln recruited 415 Chinese students in the fall of 2021, a 66%peak from the 1234 autumn of 2016. It is expected that this number of this fall will be flat or slightly slightly found in the fall.decline.International undergraduates in Nebras generally pay tuition fees from foreign countries. This year's tuition is $ 24,900 (below, about S $ 34,140), and tuition fees in the state are $ 7,770.

Davis, the assistant vice president of Lincoln, University of Nebraska, said: "We may not fully recover to the previous level ... This is the new reality."

For more than a decade, China has been the largest source of international students in the United States, providing a key tuition income for universities, which can be used to offset the decline in domestic tuition income and the reduction of public university statement funds.According to data from the open report of the International Education Association's portal, the 2019 to 2020 school year before the number of epidemics has caused 35%of the number of Chinese students in the number of students studying abroad, and contributed a US $ 15.9 billion economic value.

Many factors are now leading to higher education in other places, including in their own country.If U.S. schools cannot find other international students, as the federal epidemic relief is exhausted, financial blow may be devastating.

Chinese students have to deal with strict epidemic prevention travel restrictions. For example, the US consulate in China suspended visa services, making it difficult to go through the procedures for going abroad.In addition, some Chinese students said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that reports about crown diseases, high number of deaths, gun violence, anti -Asian racism, and US -China relations are getting worse.

Many people mentioned a administrative order promulgated by the US President Trump in 2020.The school obviously does not welcome them.Some college managers said that the visa restrictions made applicants for those who did not have clear military contact have also been rejected.

The Bayeng government resumed visa application for Chinese students in May 2021. It also publicly stated that the United States welcomed Chinese students, but did not revoke the above presidential order.

A spokesman for the US State Department said that the United States welcomes Chinese students who have contributed to the rich academic traditions and diversity of American campuses and are committed to providing visa services.The spokesman added that the above president ordered about 1%of Chinese students and scholars' visa applications.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the subjective arbitrage of the ban made some Chinese students worse on the United States.The report quoted an 21 -year -old science student Abama. Wu (transliteration) from Taizhou, China said that many people feel that they may become the next goal, and they have no sense of security.

Wu said that when she was in the second grade of China in China, she began to apply for application for study in the United States.But she mentioned that when she saw that other alumni did not get a U.S. visa, she gave up her dream of studying at Columbia University or Cornell University, and turned to go to the University of Toronto.

Managers of many universities in the United States said that the school refuses those who may be associated with military projects.of.

"Such a message cannot be avoided for students," said Wilkson, Assistant Vice President of the International Department of the University of Indiana."I think this has caused adverse effects at all levels."

Data from the University of Indiana show that there are less than 1,600 Chinese students recruited by the school in the spring of 2022, less than half of 2015.India has surpassed China to become the country with the largest number of students who transport the school, and the significant growth of Indian students has made up for the reduction of Chinese students to a certain extent.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Chinese media tend to describe the United States as a chaotic place, and reports on the negative news of violent incidents and their so -called crown disease.

According to a study in June of China Education and Education Company, security issues are the second major factor that affects Chinese students' study abroad, second only to the quality of teaching.

The 27 -year -old Audir Du (transliteration) was an undergraduate student of the University of New Hampshire, but she returned to China in May 2020 with the increase in crown cases in the United States.This summer, she has decided not to return to the United States for school, including the concerns of the deterioration of relations in the United States and China, and the various troubles that she will encounter in the process of returning to China after going abroad, and the costs incurred are also very high.

In addition, educational consultants said that with the rise of Chinese universities in the world, some employers at home and abroad have increased their recognition of Chinese universities, and Chinese students have considered more about whether they are studying abroad.In the latest Thames Higher Education World University Rankings, Peking University, two top universities in China and Tsinghua University in 16th place.

There are more and more opportunities for Chinese students in China, Singapore, and Britain, which affects the attractiveness of Chinese students in the Graziadio Business School of Perper Dada in the United States;Libu.In 2017, Graziadio Business School had nearly 360 Chinese students, accounting for three -quarters of the number of international enrollment in the business school.This fall, the business school is expected to have less than 200 students from China. The reduction of the number of Chinese students in the college is partially attributed to competition from outside the United States.

Michell, director of the International Student Services Office of Pipper, said: "In a beautiful place like California, of course, we have the conditions that are good for us ... but the difficulty of enrollment is indeed indeed indeed indeedGreatly increased. "