The U.S. Department of Justice said on Friday that when the former President Trump was located in the Mar-A-Lago in Florida's residence in Florida this week, the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) agents took 11 confidential documents, and they took away 11 confidential documents.Including some documents marked as a top secret, the ministry also disclosed that there may be reason to believe that Trump violated the spy law.

This shocking news was disclosed in a search order announced on Friday.

Four days ago, the FBI agent searched the above -mentioned residence of Trump's above -mentioned residence based on the search approved by a Federal Security Judge.In the search order, the Ministry of Justice stated that the Federal Security Judge Bruce Reinhart said that there was reasonable reason to believe that Trump violated the Spy Law, which prohibited the ownership or transmitting national defense information.

A list of items taken away from Haihu Manor shows that FBI agents have taken more than 30 items, including more than 20 boxes, multiple albums, a handwritten strip, and Trump's allies and long -term consultants.Roger Stone's administrative pardon.The list also includes information about "French President".

Earlier Friday, Trump denied the previous report of the Washington Post that the FBI searched the Haihu Manor to find confidential materials related to nuclear weapons. He wrote on his social media account, "Nuclear weaponsThe problem is a scam. "

Reuters cannot immediately confirm the report of the Washington Post.US Minister of Justice Merrick Garland refused to publicize the nature of the investigation publicly.Galan announced on Thursday that the Ministry of Justice has asked Reinhart to openly authorize the FBI to search for a search order in Haihu Manor.

Earlier, Trump claimed that the search was a political revenge, and said that the FBI might have planted evidence that it was unfavorable to him. He did not provide evidence on this.The U.S. Department of Justice stated in a court document that Trump's lawyer said on Friday afternoon that they would not oppose the disclosure of the searches of the Haihu Manor and hinted that they might be publicized soon.

Reinhart asked the prosecutor to inform him within the last period of 1900 GMT that Trump's legal team opposed public search orders. ** "Public documents now!" ** Over Thursday, Trump issued a statement on social media saying that he did not intend to oppose a public search order.

"Public documents now!" Trump wrote.On Friday, Republican members of the US House Intelligence Commission called on Galan and FBI Director Chris Wray to announce an oath to support the search order, saying that the public needs to know.The Republican Republican leader Michael Turner told reporters that "Given that they have many other options, we are very concerned about the way of searching for the Haihu Manor.

"He also said that if an oath is not made public," there will still be a lot of unconscious questions. "