Li Lin, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchanges, and some investors who are negotiating for the sale of most of the equity, seeking a maximum valuation of the company at a maximum of US $ 3 billion (the same, about S $ 4.1 billion).This may be the largest acquisition transaction since the cryptocurrency market began to collapse.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that the Chinese cryptocurrency tycoon has negotiated with a group of investors for the sale of about 60%of the equity held in Huobo.People familiar with the matter said that Sun Yuchen, the founder of the cryptocurrency wave, and the FTX of FTX, the FTX of the cryptocurrency billionaire Sam Bankman-FRied, have been in contact with Huobi on equity transfer.

The above -known people said that existing investors such as Shime Fund and Sequoia China learned about Li Lin's decision at the shareholders meeting in July.

People familiar with the matter said that the transaction may be completed as early as the end of this month, and it is added that Li Lin's valuation of the company's valuation is between 2 billion and US $ 3 billion, which means that the equity sales transaction may exceed 1 billionDollar.

A spokesman for Huobi confirmed that Li Lin had contacted several international institutions on the sale of equity, but did not disclose specific details.The spokesman replied to Bloomberg in the email: "He (Li Lin) hopes that the new shareholders will be more powerful and stronger. They can cherish the brand of Huobi and invest more funds and energy to promote the continuous development of Huobi."

P> A FTX spokesman not to comment, and Sun Yuchen said in the SMS response that he had not negotiated with Li Lin's sale.