(Morning News) Malaysian Prime Minister Eismie Sabiri emphasized that he would not dissolve the parliament in order to satisfy some people hoping to hold a national election early.He said that only after ensuring the national array stability coupon, he would announce the dissolution of parliament.

In the National Congress of the Barisan Nasional Women's Congress on Sunday (August 14th), "Barisan Nasional) The report of the Women's Group shows that we can win, and I will dissolve the parliament. "

Ishimis Sabri said:" I don't trust other reports, but the Barisan Nasional Women's Group is everywhere.For example, each village has a member of the Umno Women's Group, so I think the report of the women's group is the most accurate. For me, if you want to dissolve the parliament, you must get a complete report from the women's group in advance.If you can win, I will dissolve the parliament. "