A report published by a research institute in the Ministry of Literature and Art of Science and Technology on Tuesday (August 9) states that the number of papers published by China in the field of natural sciences has surpassed the United States and jumped in the world's first place, followed by the United States, followed by the United States, and followed the United States.Afterwards, Germany.At the same time, China has chased the United States in terms of scientific research funds, and China has surpassed the United States as the world's first in terms of the number of researchers.

According to Voice of the United States, the Institute of Science and Technology and Academic Policy of the Ministry of Liberal arts and Science and Technology and Academic Policy of the Ministry of Liberal arts, based on the data from the US Investigation Company Clarivate AnalyticsNumber of papers.Because the data of each year have obvious fluctuations, the study is based on the three -year average data as the basis for calculation.

The report published by the institute stated that in the top 1%papers in the world, the Chinese research accounted for 27.2%.The number of times a papers are quoted by peers are usually an important criterion for the quality of the dissertation to evaluate the quality of this paper.The more the number of thesis is quoted, the greater the influence of this paper.

In the top 1%papers in the world, American research accounts for 24.9%, ranking second.The British research ranked third with 5.5%.

According to the British Guardian report on Wednesday, the number of scientific papers published by China each year reached 400,181, far exceeding 293,434 published in the United States.23.4%of the number of papers.

The research fields with a particularly high number of papers in China include materials science, chemistry, engineering and mathematics, while the leading areas of the United States published the number of papers include clinical medicine, basic life sciences, and physics.

The Guardian pointed out that the research report published by the Japan Institute is quite consistent with the results of another research report published earlier this year.The proportion of the %papers exceeded the United States as early as 2019, and it surpassed the EU in 2015.

Caroline Wagner, co -author of this research report, pointed out that the study of more than 99%of the papers quoted "is regarded as the same level of research as the Nobel Prize winner, marking science to scienceThe forefront of the front ".Wagner said: "The United States has always believed that the quality of Chinese research is not high, but this seems to have changed."

Report found that the research funds invested by the United States in enterprises and universities are still leading in other major countries."Compared with major countries, China ranks first in the number of researchers in enterprises and universities. In the corporate community, the United States and China are equal, and both countries are achieving rapid development."

JapanKuroki Shinyi, a deputy center of the Asia -Pacific Comprehensive Research Center of Science and Technology Revitalization (JST), said that China has become one of the most published and best quality scientific papers in the world.

Reports on the number of Chinese scientific papers surpassing the United States have often seen various media in recent years.However, some experts and scholars have pointed out that scientific research papers published by Chinese researchers are sometimes accused of "moisture".