(Morning News) Ukrainian President Zelei Sky urged the international community to "take action immediately" to force the Russian army to leave the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station.This largest nuclear power plant in Europe has been the target of artillery shells in recent days.

Agence France -Presse reported that Zelei Sky Preasures on Thursday (August 11) said: "The world must respond immediately to drive the occupants out of Zapolo."

Zeleiski has accused "Russia is a nuclear power plant". He said: "Only when the Russians completely withdraw ... can it ensure that the entire European nuclear security can be guaranteed."

RussiaShortly after the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station was occupied.

Ukrainian energy atomic energy agencies said that the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station was shot five times on the 11th, including near the radioactive material storage library.According to Russia Tas, local officials appointed by Russia said that Ukraine conducted two shells with nuclear power plants, disrupting the replacement arrangements of nuclear power stations.

The UN Secretary -General Gutres suggested that the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station was defined as a non -military zone to avoid a terrible disaster.

The head director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Groas, said in an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the 11th: "This is an extremely severe moment.Robe Nuclear Power Station for inspection. "