(Morning News) The US Minister of Justice Jialan confirmed that he personally approved the Federal Investigation Agency to search for the former President Trump's home in Palm Beach, Florida, and has asked a federal court to unblock the Sea LakeWanyuan search order and related documents.

Comprehensive report by the New York Times and BBC (BBC), Galan held a brief press conference on Thursday (August 11), saying that the Ministry of Justice did not publicly investigate the work most of the time.The unblocking search order was because Trump himself confirmed the matter, and the incident "attracted great attention from society."

Galan also strongly defended the actions of the Ministry of Justice and refuted the criticism of the Haihu Manor for searching for the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) personnel.He emphasized that the Employees of the Federal Investigation Bureau and the Ministry of Justice are both "dedicated and patriotic civil servants" and "risky personal risks" to perform their tasks.

Galan said: "The Ministry of Justice will never make a decision lightly."

Bloomberg quoted several sources on the same day that the investigation of the Ministry of Justice was the focus of Trump illegally took away some file records when he left the White House in January last year.

Trump can propose a motion against the unblocking searches before 3 pm on the 12th, or choose the content of his own search order.

After holding a press conference in Galan, Trump has passed the Truth Social platform he set up "Truth Social".It has established a very good relationship. "

Trump also said:" The government can ask us anything, if we have. "

Trump posts the text accusations of accusationsBorrowing the "Assault Search" fundraising

The US Federal Investigation Bureau personnel entered the Haihu Manor on August 8, and opened Trump's safe to take away multiple box documents.Trump has accused the Biden government of "assault search" Haihu Manor for political motivation, and raised funds to supporters on the grounds of this reason.

The Republican Party also expressed dissatisfaction with the Federal Investigation Bureau's search for Trump's homes and vowed that if the Republican Party elected the control of Congress in the middle of November, they would investigate the "political intervention operation" of the Ministry of Justice.