(Morning News) Perlis, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, said that the United States cannot allow mainland China to establish a" new normal "around Taiwan.

Perosi on Wednesday (August 10) in a press conference in Washington said that before she led a Congress delegation to Taiwan last week, mainland China leaders have been "trying to promote"Their goals in Taiwan.The California Democratic Party made the above answers when answering questions about whether mainland China will continue to exercise near Taiwan.

military exercise around Taiwan after leaving Taiwan

Pelosi said, "What we see in China is that they are trying to build a new normal. And we just can't let this happen."

Mainland China ends on Wednesday, Wednesday,For decades, the largest military exercise around Taiwan, but it shows that it will continue to organize normalized troops in the Taiwan Strait.In the eight days of Wednesday, more than 180 Chinese fighter planes were activated east of the middle of the Taiwan Strait.More than the boundary line was a rare event.

Perosi's exercise of US -China relations is further tense, and Beijing has suspended a series of work talks on military relations and climate change.Wednesday, the Minister of Commerce Gina Raimondo said on Wednesday that this also made the US President Bayeng's future decision on Trump's future tariffs on Chinese commodities of more than $ 300 billion (about 411.4 billion yuan) to become complicated.

Pelosi once again refused to comment on Biden before she visited the Pentagon, who did not agree with such an interview, but she believed that her military guards gave the delegation "very good care".She said: "I don't remember they once told us not to go."

Perlus's threat to Chinese sanctions disapproval; Beijing announced sanctions last week, but did not explain the punishment measures in detail.Pelosi said, "Who cares?"