(Morning Post) According to sources who are familiar with the review of the Reuters, China ’s war game around Taiwan has led the Biden government officials to re -adjust their ideas, that is, whether to cancel some tariffs or impose to the Chinese government for other other government governmentTariffs and temporarily put these options aside.

Biden's team has been working hard to find various methods for several months to reduce the tariff costs levied on China's imported goods during his term of office, while trying to curb soaring inflation.It has considered a combination, that is, to cancel some tariffs, launch a new "Article 301" survey for the areas of possible additional tariffs, and expand the list of tariffs to help those US companies that can only obtain specific supply from China.

The White House said that Biden has not made a decision on this issue, and all the options are still discussing.

Tariffs make Chinese imported products more expensive for American companies, which in turn makes consumers' products higher.Before the mid -term elections in November, reducing inflation is a main goal of Democrats Biden. The mid -term elections may transfer the control of the first or two houses of Congress to Republicans.

But Beijing's response to the US House of Representatives Peros' visit to Taiwan last week has triggered the re -calculation of US government officials. They are eager to do anything that may be regarded as upgrading by China.It is deemed to have shrunk in the face of China's aggression.

The White House spokesman Saloni Sharma said: "Before the Taiwan Strait incident, the president (Biden) had not made a decision and still did not make a decision.Passing, all the options are still on the desktop. The only person to make a decision is the president-he will make a decision based on things that meet our interests. "

When asked why it takes so long to spend so longWhen the time made a decision, the Minister of Commerce Raymond mentioned a complex geopolitical situation in an interview with Bloomberg."After speaking, the situation was particularly complicated after Speaker Pelosi visited Taiwan. So the president is weighing his choice. He is very cautious. He wants to ensure that we do not do anything that will hurt American workers and American workers."