In response to the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Pelosi's visit to Taiwan to set off the tension of the Taiwan Strait, Liu Guangyuan, a special agent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, criticized Perosi's political gambling and lost the international reputation of the United States and its allies.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, Liu Guangyuan wrote that Perlis, as the current leader of the US Congress, went to Taiwan for any form of activities to upgrade the official political provocations of the US Taiwan.The "Taiwan independence" split power issued a serious error signal.China has decided to take sanctions on Perosi and its immediate family members."Any bad behavior of violating China's sovereignty, the Chinese people will never agree, and they will be repaid."

He said that the ins and outs of the tension of the Taiwan Strait is clear at a glance.However, the United States did not fail. "Public stood on the opposite side of the international community, accusited the Chinese side, and wrote non -decoration, full of paper. The international reputation of the United States and its allies was defeated and reduced to the international community's laughing stock."

Liu Guangyuan accused, provoking the incident, creating crisis, and constantly upgrading tensions in the United States.In order to realize the "Taiwan -based China", regardless of China's opposition, the United States planned and provoked the incident in one hand.

He also emphasized that the Chinese People's Liberation Army carried out a series of joint military operations around Taiwan. The "Taiwan independence" split forces and the United States clearly and continued to feel the intensity and determination of China.The comprehensive measures taken by China are a serious warning to provocatives, resolute defense of national sovereignty and security, and a firm maintenance of basic criteria for international law and international relations.