The chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said, in order to avoid being released in the United States, Chinese officials and Chinese officials must "soon" to obtain an agreement to obtain the Chinese company audit draft.

The regulatory agencies of China and the United States have been negotiating whether the United States has authorized the United States to inspect the audit drafts of about 200 Chinese stock companies such as Alibaba, Baidu, and

If the U.S. listed company's Accounting Supervision Committee (PCAOB) cannot obtain relevant inspection authority, according to a law signed by the United States in 2020, the above -mentioned Chinese stock company may be as early as 2024 from Nasdaq and andThe New York Stock Exchange is delisted.

According to a Bloomberg report, Gary Gensler said in a written speech on Wednesday (July 27), "Unless the PCAOB staff is allowedInspectors will not be sent to mainland China and Hong Kong. "

He said that China's epidemic prevention isolation requirements and other logistics problems means that related agreements must be reached as soon as possible.

Gustler also said that if the US parliamentarians voted through the billing bill currently being reviewed, the 2024 delisting timetable may be advanced to 2023.

The British Financial Times earlier quoted people familiar with the matter that China is studying how to classify Chinese -funded enterprises listed in the United States basedStrategy.