A survey by the US Congress found that China had tried to establish a line -man network within the United States Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve) system, and had threatened him to provide him with a threat during his visit to Shanghai during his visit to Shanghai.Non -public economic data, otherwise it will be put in prison.

The Wall Street Journal reported that according to the survey results report issued on Tuesday (July 26), the survey conducted by the Republican staff of the US Senate's Land and Land and Government Affairs Committee found that China had provided the Federal Reserve employees with providing Federal Reserve employees withTalent recruitment plan contracts include cash payment, and China also requires the Federal Reserve employees to provide information about the US economy, interest rate changes and policies.

The report states that Chinese officials detained the above Federal Reserve economist in 2019 and tried to coerce him to disclose data and information about US government policies including tariffs.Fight the trade war.

The report said that this action in China began around 2013, which lasted for ten years, but the report did not indicate whether any sensitive information was leaked in the process.Given the Fed's in -depth and wide analysis of US economic activities, supervise the US financial system, and is responsible for formulating US interest rate policies, obtaining information in this area may help form a valuable insight.

The survey led by the Republican Party stated that the Federal Reserve failed to take sufficient response measures.The report's conclusion shows that "China has been working hard for the Federal Reserve for more than a decade, and the Federal Reserve has failed to effectively fight this threat."

The Federal Reserve Chairman Powell strongly questioned the results of the report, stating that the description of some Federal Reserve employees in the report was unfair to some Federal Reserve employees.He wrote in a letter to Ohio Senator, Land Safety and Government Affairs Committee, Rob Portman, the highest intermediate level in the middle level.The process, control and technology are perfect and updated regularly. We solemnly deny any opposite opinions. "

Powell introduces the Fed's information security and background screening regulations in detail, including the opportunity to contact the opportunityLimited information staff's travel records and review of personal contacts.He wrote: "We seriously treat any acts that violate these strict information security policies."

According to reports, China criticized this report from the Senate Republicans.To some Congress's "Cold War Zero and Zero Thinking".Liu Pengyu said that the cooperation between China and the United States in the fields of economy and finance is open and bright, which plays an important role in enhancing mutual understanding and mutual trust between the two countries.

This report from the Republicans of the United States Congress quoted a separate internal survey conducted by the Fed since 2015.Congress reports that an external entity warns that foreign opponents have tried to establish a relationship with the Federal Reserve researchers, which usually provides a "paid contractual relationship", and the Fed launched an internal investigation.The report did not explain the identity of this external entity.

The report said that the internal survey of the Federal Reserve has determined 13 related personnel and is called "P-Network" by internal investigators.Essence

The report said that a Federal Reserve, known as "Z" or former employees of the Federal Bank of the district, tried to recruit "P-Network" members.The report said that "Z" has always been related to the talent recruitment plan supported by the Chinese government and expressed his hope to maintain an internal information sharing with the Federal Reserve employees.

The report of the Federal Reserve found that an economist in the Federal Reserve system had a close relationship with "Z", and the economist was later fired for violation of the central bank's regulations.

The Wall Street Journal also quoted the report that since the Federal Reserve submitted its "P-Network" survey in December 2020, many of the results of its survey have now raised objections.The report said that the Federal Reserve has concerned about the accuracy of the survey results this month, and some of the original survey materials were not found.

Powell said in a letter to Portman that the Fed will pay attention to "any basis of improper behavior allegations, no matter where it comes from. In contrast, what we think in the report we think in the report we thinkThe unfairness of specific staff is unhappy, unpredictable, and unattractive. "

Portman said in a statement: "I am worried about the Fed's threat." He said that he hoped that the survey would make the Fed aware of China's extensive threat to US monetary policy and risk.It is obvious.

The Federal Reserve has maintained contact channels with the central banks around the world. Within the Fed system, many researchers have experience in working in foreign central banks and universities.Many economists believe that the Fed's international attraction is an advantage in promoting excellent research.

According to the Wall Street Journal, China often uses talent recruitment plans to obtain confidential or proprietary information to provide high -paying positions to relevant personnel in Chinese research institutions. American anti -spy officials say this is equivalent to encouraging theft.

The report said that after the investigation of Congress, the Fed began to ban its officials from receiving compensation from some countries such as China.The report said that these policies do not require the Federal Reserve employees to disclose whether they have participated in Chinese talent recruitment plans.Although the Fed already knows that there are employees and Chinese talent recruitment programs internally, or they are related to the participants of the talent recruitment plan, the Senate Land and Land Security and the Assistant to the Government Affairs Committee said that the five of the five people mentioned in their reportFour people still have the opportunity to contact the Fed's confidential information.

The report states that the Congress report detailed multiple cases involving the "P-Network" personnel, for example, a "P-Network" personnel have given the economic model code to theA Chinese university.

The report said that there is also a "P-Network" personnel at least twice trying to transfer a large amount of data from the Federal Reserve to an external website.The report said that this person had previously received a request for a person with a Chinese government background, asking for non -public information about the Fed's president of the three Federal Reserve's banks on interest rate hikes.

A assistant at the Senate Land and Safety and Government Affairs Committee said he did not know whether Chinese government officials received any relevant information.

Powell said in the letter that the Fed has released its most important economic model online in order to better communicate with other professionals on its analysis.He said the Fed's system monitor the transfer of unauthorized data and information.

The most extreme examples cited in the report involve the Federal economist mentioned above.After the United States and China imposed tariffs on tens of billions of dollars in goods, the economist went to Shanghai in 2019.The report said that he was detained by relevant Chinese departments four times in this trip.

The report said that the economist later reported to the Fed that Chinese officials first went to his hotel room to find him.Including calls involving previous divorce.

The report stated that Chinese officials told the Federal Reserve employee that he had to provide the sensitive and non -public economic data he had contacted, and he had to be sensitive economic issues, including trade tariffs and confidential information, to towards the information, to toward the confidential information.Senior Chinese government officers provide suggestions.The report said that Chinese officials also threatened that if the Federal Reserve employee was not signed on a document and promised not to mention these encounters to his family, he would put him in prison and destroy his life.

Fed officials told the Senate's staff of the Land and Land Security and Government Affairs Committee that they reported the matter to the FBI and the US State Department.According to the report, in July 2019, the Federal Reserve went to China to travel a general warning to all economists.