Wang Ping, a lecture professor at the University of St. Louis Washington University, pointed out that since the free trade war, almost all tariff costs have been borne by American consumers and corporates, low -level consumer goodsThe price soared is the first to be the middle and low -income groups.However, in addition to the immigration group, most of the low -income people in the United States are mainly white -dominated by white people, but most of them support tariffs on implementing the implementation of China.

Washington sources said that US President Biden will talk to Chinese officials within this week, but most of the issues of tariffs on China will not become a topic because Bayeng has not made a decision.In this regard, the scholars of interviewees pointed out that regardless of the adjustment of tariffs or not, the improvement of Sino -US relations is very limited; it will not have much effect on the return of China's outflowing industry to return to China.

The White House National Security Commission spokesman Johnkobi told reporters on Tuesday that handling Sino -US economic competition will be the focus of worship calls, but the tariffs may not be discussed, "unless or he (Biden) do it.Decision. "

However, Kobe also showed that Biden was not satisfied with the tariffs on China left by President Trump.According to a report from the Peterson Institute of International Economics in the United States, the average tariffs on Chinese goods were as high as 19.3%.

Kobe criticized on Tuesday that these tariffs formulated by the former Trump administration have "poorly designed", increasing the cost of American families, small companies, and ranch owners, and did not effectively respond to China's harmful trade behavior.

Lu Industry, director of the Foreign Affairs Department of Taiwan Politburo, accepted an analysis during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the inflation in the United States in June was as high as 9.1%, which was the highest in 41 years.To relieve inflation pressure.As for the recent sales of the United States, it is also reported that the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi plans to visit Taiwan in August. Lu Industry does not rule out that Washington shows a tough attitude on the one hand.Public opinion has explained.

Wang Ping, a lecturer professor at Washington University in the United States, pointed out in an interview with this newspaper that analyzing the import price of American goods can be found that almost all tariff costs have been borne by American consumers and corporates since the free trade war.The price soared is the first to be the middle and low -income groups.However, in addition to the immigration group, most of the low -income people in the United States are mainly white -dominated by white people, but most of them support tariffs on implementing the implementation of China.

Wang Ping believes that this shows that the conservatives of the United States are still rising. In the face of the mid -term elections, public opinion is also a major factor that the Biden government must consider.

In addition, Biden Cabinet also has different opinions on this.Financial officials and other financial officials believe that the cancellation of some tariffs can reduce the financial burden of US companies and consumers; but the trade representative Dai Qi believes that it must make a decision from the perspective of the overall trade strategy of China.

Wang Ping analyzes that Yellen represents the perspective of professional economists, and solving the problem of people's livelihood is the primary consideration. Behind Dai Qi cannot exclude lobbyist in various industries lobbying.

He further pointed out that from the requirements of many companies in July, in terms of extended tariffs, steel aluminum, garment, furniture and other industries have great pressure on the US government. Tariffs in this kind of field may be "back to"There are political factors in the industry that have key technologies to compete, and it is difficult for tariffs to decrease.

The Trump administration launched a trade war on China in 2018, and eventually levied punitive tariffs on imported goods worth about $ 350 billion.These measures expired on July 6, 2022. If all sectors of the United States have not required trade representatives to extend relevant tariffs, tariffs will be canceled automatically.

However, comprehensive US media reports, as of July 8, US officials have received more than 400 requirements for extended tariffs.

Scholars: even if the tariff range is not large

Ye Guojun, a professor of lectures from the EU National Development Research Institute and the EU Lecturer, believes that the cancellation of tariffs will bring some benefits and goodwill to both sides of China and the United States, but it is impossible for Sino -US relations to improve significantly.The amplitude will not be very large.

In the past few weeks, there are news that the Bayeng government has considered canceling tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 10 billion. This proportion is only a spectacular of water.

As for whether the US reduction of tariffs will promote the "return to China", a Chinese financial scholar who does not want to be named in an interview that tariffs may be one of the periods that have caused the outsourcing of the industrial chain in the past timeThe factors, but it is not necessarily the main reason. The driving force for China's industrial movement is greater lies in rising costs and epidemic prevention measures.Therefore, even if the tariff is reduced, there will be no obvious industrial chain return.

The scholar also mentioned that before the epidemic outbreak, some of the manufacturing industries transferred to Southeast Asia once returned to China because the Chinese industry chain was relatively sound and workers were more mature;It remains to be observed whether the future epidemic is slowing down.

In an interview with the sanctuary manufacturer of Li, a surname of Li, located in East China, said that compared with tariffs, raw materials and international freight have risen in recent years, and the impact on export products has been greater."The raw pulp for making wet towels and diapers has risen from an average of more than 700 US dollars per metric ton to $ 1,450, not to mention the rise in international crude oil. The container freight is increasing. Even if the tariffs are canceled, it will not help much."

He pointed out that as early as 2017, the low -level consumer products that originally exported from China have gradually transferred to localized production overseas due to rising costs. This is even more so after the epidemic. It is estimated that it will become a long -term trend.

There are also Taiwanese tires who set up factories in the mainland that after the trade war started, products sold from mainland production lines to the United States plus tariffs and the cost of tariffs, and the price competitiveness became weakened.The number of orders in the United States has declined, and manufacturers can only adjust the proportion of production lines and configure production to production lines in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and other places.

Luo Yongli, deputy general manager of Taiwan Zhengxin Tire, said that the United States has not yet proposed a specific plan for cancellation of tariffs. Even if it is put into action, it is unknown how long it can be maintained.Therefore, the industry is still evaluating that the mainland production line will still maintain the local market.