(Morning News) The United States of Tuesday (July 26) accused China of the "provocations" of the South China Sea Shengko country significantly, and warned that China's "aggressive and irresponsible behavior" causedMajor events or accidents are just a matter of time.

Reuters reported that Jung Pak, deputy assistant Secretary of State of the State Department of East Asia, said in his speech at the US think tank "Strategy and International Research Center" (CSIS): "China is a nationwide to the South China Sea Sounds.And the provocative operations carried out in other countries where legal activities are there are obvious upward trends. "

She said:" Chinese aircraft in the South China Sea to unsafe Australian aircraft interception. ThisThe situation is becoming more and more frequent. Three independent incidents have occurred in the past few months, which constitutes a challenge for marine research and energy exploration activities in the Philippine exclusive economic zone. "

Ely Ratner, Affairs Assistant Minister, revealed in the same event that in the first half of this year, the incident involved in China's military aircraft in the South China Sea had been "dozens", which was much more than in the past five years.

Latna said: "Beijing is systematically testing the limit of our collective determination." He warned: "In my opinion, this aggressive and irresponsible behavior isOne of the most significant threats of peace and stability of the China Sea. If the Chinese People's Liberation Army continues this behavior model, major events or accidents will just be sooner or later. "In the process, U.S. President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are planning to call this week .The White House said on the 26th that the topics of leaders of the two countries are expected to include the tension between the Taiwan Strait and Ukraine and how to control the economic competition between China and the United States.