In a one -hour 18 -minute speech, Macatus promised to vigorously promote the VAT of digital services.He said: "Our taxation system will be adjusted to catch up with the rapid development of the digital economy." He estimated that new taxation measures will obtain an initial income of 11.7 billion pesos in 2023.

The Philippine President President Pagoda Matthem announced on Monday (July 25) in the National Information Counseling to promote tax reform, accelerate the improvement of infrastructure, vigorously attract foreign investment, improve tourism, and realize agricultural modernization.

Pagoda reiterated in his first National Consultation. The goal of the Philippines's economic growth this year was 6.5 % to 7.5 %. By the end of 2028, the goal of his term was 8 %.The last time the Philippines recorded more than 8 % of the last time, in 1976, when the president was Markis's father, Markus.

In a one -hour 18 -minute speech, Magaks promised to vigorously promote digital services VAT.He said: "Our taxation system will be adjusted to catch up with the rapid development of the digital economy." He estimated that new taxation measures will obtain 11.7 billion peso (about S $ 290 million) in 2023.


The Magakus government also plans to promote agricultural modernization, including a series of land reforms to improve agricultural harvest with modern technology and promote exports while reducing the import of agricultural products.The Philippines is a imported country of rice. Martakus pointed out that the global grain price crisis has been prominent in the near future, and the Philippines facing the vulnerability of rising grain prices and insufficient food supply.

Little Marco, who is also the Minister of Agriculture, also announced that letting farmers suspend the payment of loans for one year and allow farmers to have more breathing space to increase production.

In improving the tourism work, he said that he will no longer implement the border blockade.He hopes to use tourism to create employment opportunities and get economic growth momentum.

Pagota also promises to reform the medical and educational system, accelerate the construction of infrastructure such as airports and railways, vigorously develop renewable energy, and re -explore the development of nuclear power.

Scholars: Finding enough funds is a big test to achieve a new plan

Scholars of the interviewed believe that on the May 9th of this year, Pagota, who elected with an overwhelming advantage, enjoys extensive support in Congress and will not encounter too much obstruction during the legislative agenda and policy legalization stage.However, how to find enough funds to achieve these plans will be a big test.

Dennis v. Blanco, an associate professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of the Philippines, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the national information disciplinary article of Macatus covers plans and plans in almost all fields, such as economics, tourism, agriculture, education, Health, labor export, and the legislative agenda he hopes to promulgate and revised Congress.

Blanco analyzed that Matskus enjoys the trust of most members in the two houses of the Congress, so the possibility of political deadlock in the legislative agenda will be greatly reduced in the legislative agenda.He said that Patscar may face challenges when performing planning, including "finding enough funds to achieve these plans."

In addition to the launch of a series of plans to increase national revenue, Marco also urged Congress to pass the "government streamlined bill" to conduct a comprehensive review of the cross -department functions, plans and projects to ensure that the government optimizes resources when performing duties.Blanco believes that the bill will promote the government to be more flexible and streamlined when using human resources, and also save personnel costs.

As a long -term ally in the United States in Southeast Asia, the Philippines has gone closer to China in recent years.Matcus reiterated that he would keep his diplomatic independence and say, "It will not give up any territory, even if it is a square inch", and has won the continuous cheers and applause of Congress for nearly 30 seconds.