A report on the United States stated that China had tried to establish a lineman network within the US Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve) system.Persecution of delusion.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a routine press conference on Wednesday that the report released by the US Republican members is one of the few Republican members of the "malicious political lie", which has no factual basis.

Zhao Lijian also criticized some politicians in the United States, "I am afraid that I have obtained 'Chinese phobia' '‘ persecution delusion ”, and it seems that the illness is not mild.”

He also mentioned that China has noticed that the Federal Reserve has brought a letter to the relevant lawmakers and expressed doubts and dissatisfaction with the content of the report, which fully illustrates the nature of the report.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the US Congress released a survey report led by Republican MPs on Tuesday (July 26), saying that China had provided the Fed with a talent recruitment plan for talent recruitment, including cash payment, and of.China also requires the Federal Reserve employees to provide information about the US economy, interest rate changes and policies.

The above report states that Chinese officials detained a Federal Reserve economist in 2019 and tried to coerce him to disclose data and information about US government policies including tariffs.

But the Fed's chairman Powell strongly questioned the results of the report, stating that the description of some Federal Reserve employees in the report was unfair to some Federal Reserve employees.