(Morning News) Former US President Trump on Tuesday (July 26) attended a speech event in Washington. This is his since January 20 last year.He returned to the capital for the first time after he stepped down.

The Straits Times reported that Trump went to Washington Special Economic Armor on the 26th to participate in a two -day event.This research institute was established last year, and members were mostly government officials within Trump.

Trump defines himself as the "deepest persecution" in the history of the United States in his speech, and also describes the current United States as a criminal activity, a drug abuse, a tramp, and a southern border from the southern border.The desperate place of illegal immigrants flowing into the "crack".

Trump said: "Our country is now a sin sewage. We must stop it all. We must act immediately."

Support, he took Singapore as an example: "There is no drug problem in the country where drug trafficking executes the death penalty ... You kill a drug trafficking, 500 people will be rescued."

Trump is not clear in his speech.He said that he would choose the president again in 2024, but he kept hinted that the United States had prepared to come back.

76 -year -old Trump said: "We will definitely make the United States stronger, safer, more freedom, greater, and more splendid."

On the same day when he delivered a speech in Washington, the Washington Post quoted sources as saying that the US Department of Justice was conducting a criminal investigation on Trump's attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Reporting that the Ministry of Justice has been summoning personnel to assist the investigation, including Schott, who served as former vice president Pence Chief of Staff.Schott confirmed on the 25th that he attended a hearing of a federal jury, which was to investigate the riots of Congress on January 6, 2021.

Schott is the highest -level official known to date, which shows that the investigation firepower of the Ministry of Justice on the riots of parliament and false allegations of the election fraud is significantly heating up.