(Morning News) The White House said that the United States has not received the official notice from Russia's withdrawal from the International Space Station, but the United States has begun to discuss other options to slow down this pair of international space stations.Influence.

Reuters reported that Perl Poel Pills Puel said on Tuesday (July 26) and said: "We are exploring that if Russia is determined to withdraw after 2024, how can they reduce the potential of this pair of international space stations.Impact. "

According to Agence France -Presse, the US State Department spokesman Pois said on the 26th:" The United States was very surprised by the public announcement of Russia. "

He said,"This is a regrettable news. Because our aerospace institutions have carried out very important scientific work at the International Space Station for many years, we have carried out valuable professional cooperation, and we have reached a aerospace cooperation agreement. "

Robyn Gatens, director of the International Space Station of NASA Headquarters (NASA) Headquarters, said earlier on the same day that after news reports, NASA "Any official notice ".

Borisov, the new president of the Russian National Aerospace Corporation, announced on July 26 that Russia will withdraw from the International Space Station project after 2024 and will start the Russian rail service station.

NASA itself plans to retire the International Space Station after 2030.After 2030, the International Space Station will transition to cooperation with the commercial space station.

Gar Tengs was asked if he wanted to end US -Russian space relations: "No, absolutely don't want." She said: "The United States and Russia have always been a good partner, just like all of usLike partners, we hope that the United States and Russia can continue their partnership and continue to operate the International Space Station in the next 10 years. "