Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the Taiwanese party, was accused of navigating operators during the appointment of Taipei Mayor, and the shopping center Jinghua City volume reward has increased sharply.Terned.

Taiwan media said that the direction of the prosecutor's handling of the case has almost locked Ke Wenzhe. When the time is mature, he will interview Ke Wenzhe to the case, and the case will continue to burn upwards.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan United Daily, Taiwan Television News Network, and Sanli News Network, the Taipei Procuratorate found that the chairman of Weijing Group Shen Qingjing had bribed nearly 10 million yuan to Ying Xiaowei (New Taiwan dollars, the same below, about NT $ 10 million is about $ 410,000), let Ying Xiaowei say it.

After the Taipei Procuratorate mastered the above -mentioned golden flow, on Wednesday (August 28), he commanded the Sixth defendants and 12 certificates including Shen Qingjing and Ying Xiaowei to clarify whether the relevant funds wereFlowing into Ke Wenzhe's pocket; the Taipei District Procuratorate on Thursday (29th) in the early morning of the Emperor Destroyer and Escape. He detained Shen Qingjing, Ying Xiaowei and assistant Wu Shunmin, and Chen Yukun, chairman of Jinghua City, paid the insurance for 12 million yuan.

Prosecutor's believe that Shen Qingjing and Ying Xiaowei are key figures in Jinghua City. Shen Qingjing is a bribeer and Ying Xiaowei is a bribery. Ying Xiaowei assisted Shen Qingjing after receiving bribes.The prosecutor's investigation focuses on the process of re -locked Ke Wenzhe from 560%to 840%of the review process.

Jinghua City Shopping Center, which is adjacent to the Taipei MRT Nanjing Sanmin Station, is the investment business of Weijing Group.In 2011, Jinghua City proposed a revision of land use to the Taipei Municipal Government on the grounds of poor management, hoping to increase the plot ratio from 392%to 560%, but was rejected by the North City Government.

In 2016, Jinghua City once again asked Beifu to raise the plot ratio. At that time, the mayor of Taipei had changed from Hao Longbin to Ke Wenzhe.Two years later, Ke Shi Government set the statutory plot ratio of Jinghua City Base to 560%, and in 2021, the Taipei Municipal Planning Committee then increased the plot ratio of Jinghua City to 840%.

This is also the biggest controversy in the entire case, and the outside world questioned Ke Wenzhe's navigation industry.The Taipei Procuratorate was listed in the case of the case in May this year, listed Ke Wenzhe and others as the defendant, and instructed the investigation team of the Northern Region to search for evidence.Essence

According to the United Daily report, the starting point of the high capacity rate of Beijing Huacheng should be the first time in Ying Xiaowei with Ke Wenzhe on March 10, 2020.After the bento conference, Beijing Huacheng sent Chen Qingshu to the mayor's room on March 17 of the same year. The first scholarship meeting was held on June 20, and then entered the Metropolitan Commission for review.

At this stage, whether Ying Xiaowei beats to clear the protection of the specific escort is the direction that the prosecutor wants to clarify.

On Wednesday, Wednesday, search for the Chinese engineering and Sinopec of Weijing Group. The Taipei City Council Ying Xiaowei Office, Shen Qingjing and Ying Xiaowei residential place.

Ying Xiaowei said on Wednesday morning: "I feel that I am not afraid of the shadow oblique and insist on doing the right thing." When transferring to the North Inspection in the evening, Ying Xiaowei said that it is good to explain well. This is a rare experience.On the same day, Shen Qingjing also emphasized that he had never compromised or sent red envelopes with officials, and it was impossible to send Ke Wenzhe red envelopes.

Ke Wenzhe, who is in the center of the disadvantages, is still trapped in the disadvantages of the people's party fake ledger storms. It is expected that he will hold a press conference on Thursday to clarify all controversy.