Ding Taifeng, a well -known catering group in Taiwan, announced the withdrawal from the North China market. Taiwan ’s Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai said that this represents the changes in mainland China’ s economy.But the outside world continues to show force.He believes that the two violate each other on the development path of the country, making it difficult for economic conditions to improve in the short term.

Comprehensive Civil Television News Network and Liberty reported that Zhuo Rongtai accepted an exclusive interview with Civil Television on Tuesday (August 27). When asked how to think of Dingtaifeng's closure of North China stores, Dingtaifeng was good in quality and good service., But the economic situation at the beginning of the mainland is different from the present, and it means that the mainland economy has changed.

He said that the development of the mainland after the epidemic is not good, and the economy must be saved internally, but it continues to show force.The two of them violate each other on the development path of the country. If the mainland officials do not see clearly, they will continue to use this method, and the economy is difficult to improve in a short period of time.

Zhuo Rongtai said that the competition between the US -China trade war and science and technology continues. If the competition between economic and trade competition becomes bad competition, it is not good for the world, and the expansion of the mainland forces will not be condemned by the world.It will threaten the Indo -Pacific region, Asia, and even the world.

He also said that he hoped that the mainland would be the same as Taiwan. The policy was mainly based on the benefit of the country and the people, and the force expanded forces aside.Taiwan does not want to compete with the mainland forces, only "I hope that the Taiwan Strait will not be affiliated with each other, not invading each other, peace and stability, and prosperity."

Beijing Hengtai Feng Catering Co., Ltd. issued a Chinese and English statement on WeChat public account on Monday (26th), announcing that it closed 14 stores in North China before October 31, 2024.