Zheng Wencan, mayor of Taoyuan, former Taoyuan and Chairman of the Qianhai Foundation of Taiwan, was detained for 48 days after receiving a bribe 5 million yuan (NT $ 24,000).It is important, but there is no need to be detained, and the rules are paid for 28 million yuan.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times and other reports, the Taoyuan District Procuratorate was investigated on Tuesday (August 27) to investigate the end of the Zheng Wencan case and decided to sue Zheng Wencan, former deputy general manager of Formosa Plastics Group Hou Shuiwen, and Formosa Consultant Liao JunsongAnd five sons Liao Liting and Liao Jiaxing and other five people were transferred to Taoyuan Earth Court for trial.

Taoyuan Earth Court formed a collegial panel to hear five defendants at 9:30 pm on Tuesday. The four -hour court ruled that five defendants were paid for the insurance.1.1 million yuan, 250,000 yuan in Liao Liting, and 600,000 yuan in Liao Jiaxing, all restricted to residential and outbound.

Zheng Wencan has been seasing for 48 days since July 11th. It is reported that Zheng Wencan's relatives and friends leak 28 million yuan at night, and the current amount of the luggage was paid at the Taoyuan Earth Court at 2:40 in the morning.Apply for insurance.

In response to the reason for Zheng Wencan to pay for Zheng Wencan, the collegial panel said that although Zheng Wencan denied the acceptance of bribery in the court, the testimony of the defendant in the same case, the listening translation, and the records of the communication software dialogue records were recognized.Zheng Wencan was suspected of being suspected.

The collegiate panel said that the content of the prosecutor's prosecution has clearly stated that Zheng Wencan's scope of criminal suspicion, and proposed that quite evidence is sufficient to evidence.Judgment issue.

The collegiate panel pointed out that after the results of the assessment of the parliamentary court, the current stage of the order of Zheng Wencan was confeired with 28 million yuan, and restricted the residence in the residence of Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, and restricted the exit, eight months to go to sea, and prohibited the same right to the same right.The defendant, witnesses, etc. are in contact with the case, and they should be quite restrained to the defendant and have no need to detain.

Zheng Wencan, who was the vice president of the Executive Yuan of the Cai Yingwen Government, promoted the expansion of the Huaya Science Park when the main administration of Taoyuan City.Re -measure the use of land use).Former General Manager Yang Zhaolin and other landlords who dominated Formosa Group, the Formosa Group, and the former chairman of Liao Junsong, the former chairman of the Father and Son of the Factory Management Committee of the Forestry Five Planning District of Taoyuan Mayor Zheng Wencan, delivered cash to bribery.