zero -day attack: How does a Taiwanese drama in the context of a "martial art" trigger argument?

The fall of Kinmen, the major TV stations of Taiwan were invaded by hackers, the infiltration of the Hong Kong spy, and the local net celebrities in Taiwan propaganda on both sides of the strait ... These drama codes related to the Taiwan Strait War have frequently appeared on the occasion of cross -strait relations in recent years.In the daily context of Taiwan, it is no stranger to the Taiwanese.

However, when these "keywords" have become a recently produced set of the Zero Day theme (Zero Day), it still attracted heated discussions and received the attention of netizens on the shore.

It is said that the collection of this set of Taiwan officials and electronic tycoon Cao Xingcheng and others spent about 230 million Taiwan dollars (about 7.2 million US dollars) to break the record of production funds for Taiwan's TV series.When the background setting of the album is settled in the Taiwan election, the political party rotates. When the guarding government is preparing to hand over to the new president, the Chinese People's Liberation Army suddenly announced the blockade of Taiwan, claiming that she would log in to "Wu Tong Taiwan" within seven days.

At the end of July, the producer released a 17 -minute promotional video and stated that it was planned to be broadcast on the local and multinational streaming platforms in Taiwan next year.The plot that is the first to be disclosed is complicated, including how Taiwan's political scenes are fighting, the military encounters spy penetration, and whether the allies such as the military will assist Taiwan or the sleeves to watch the debate, and how Taiwanese people take many details to prepare for the war and vita.

Image source, Zero Day

The trailer was launched for a few days at the end of last month. YouTube's viewing volume exceeded 1 million times, and there have been 1.7 million times so far.Last week's foreign media preview show, attracted hundreds of foreign media reporters in Taiwan.

"If you feel uncomfortable after watching the zero -day attack trailer, that's right, will you only be more uncomfortable on the day of time?" A netizen named Li Fa shared on Facebook (Meta) to shareHe finished watching the trailer's idea.

On a street visit in Taipei, the interviewee Xie Yixuan said that after watching the trailer, she felt very touching and had a positive view of information dissemination about the Taiwan Strait War.She said that Taiwan's threat to cognitive operations is deep now, and it is necessary to discuss the war a lot: "There is a feeling of planning ahead! No matter how you talk about it, there is nothing in the future!"

The "Chinese United Front" faced by Taiwan Gongmiao

But some critics have criticized this album as a "cognitive combat" tool for the DPP government.The Taiwan Media Joint Daily criticized this set of albums with the editorial. This set of albums was the "Green Camp" person to subsidize the government, brainwashing the people of Taiwan, and selling fear."Take your money and wash your brain."The Global Times quoted Taiwan's famous mouth Guo Zhengliang and others, saying that the film "hyped the mainland attack" needs to be severely condemned.

Some analysts said that it may be because this album is a big production, which has attracted widespread attention and touched the sensitive nerves of the Taiwan Strait War.

Professor Chen Yining, Director of the International Cooperation Division of the Political University of Taiwan, said that after watching the trailer, she felt that assuming that the Taiwanese government needs to use a large -scale film to enhance the people's feelings of the war, at this time and want to achieve the want to achieve the opportunity to achieveThe effect, she personally felt that it was not too negative to publicize. "Whether it is government funding or private investment, the launch of war films at this time is a good channel for us to absorb information and then understand what the war is."

"Today's Ukraine, Tomorrow Taiwan?"

The album production and chief screenwriter Zheng Xinmei is a reporter.In an interview, Ms. Zheng said that she had thought about it, started writing the script, and then found someone to find money to prepare for this set of albums.

"After Ukraine was invaded by Russia in 2022, the sense of anxiety in my heart became deeper and deeper. You will be afraid of sensitive subjects like this. If you don't talk about it, will we have a chance to talk about"

Zheng Xinmei said, take a look at how Ukraine goes to this step, what method does Russia use, step by step starting from the cognitive battle to penetrate Ukraine.She said that similar wars have already started in Taiwan, but "no smoke nitrate", and most Taiwanese are still unwilling to face the topic.

"The war seems to be an elephant in the room in Taiwan. He is obviously here, but everyone has always felt that this issue is very sensitive and does not want to talk.We thought that the war had not happened, but the war had already happened! "

Many people in Taiwan agree with this sense of urgency.Xie Yixuan, 28, said in a street visit that Taiwan needs war discussion. Although Taiwan's military is weaker than the other side, "Taiwan itself still has this knowledge, no more discussion, and Taiwan has nothing in the future."

But there are different opinions on the production of dry drama.Lai Yizhen, who is 18 years old and just entered the university, said: "Don't talk about it, but don't deliberately discuss the issue of war ..."

Miss Lai said that she had traveling to China a while ago.

Zheng Shiwei, who was nearly 70 years old, told reporters: "No matter how much propaganda in Taiwan is, they are better than us.

The Taiwan version of "Da Waixuan"?

In addition, because this film has been subsidized and invested by the Taiwan government departments, some people have questioned this set of the DPP government's "Great Passage" work.

For example, the anti -Taiwan independent field joint newspaper or Hong Kong media Asian Weekly all reported this set of shadow.The United Daily News criticized the zero -day attack as "brainwashing blockbuster, kidnapped the people to war", and even said that the album invites the well -known Japanese actor Takahashi to play a mixed -race citizen of Taiwan and Japan.

Hong Kong Media Asian Weekly criticized the "Dissatling School" of the film, and tried to incite hostile to mainland China. If you want to explore the truth of humanity, you will have an anti -effect in Taiwan society. Taiwanese will not pay.

Zheng Xinmei said that this set of albums in 2022 preparations, and then there are subsidies and support for the "Black Tide Plan" of the Ministry of Culture of the Taiwan Executive Yuan.The works of the Ministry of Culture were subsidized for 11 works at that time. The zero -day attack was one of them, and the local electronics tycoon Cao Xingcheng was the first angel investor.She said that no one in Taiwan had interfered with the shooting of the album, and no word in the script was required to be changed.

In the face of doubts, the Minister of Culture of Taiwan, Li Yuan, said in a joint interview with the Taiwan media earlier this month that if the government really wants to recognize the citizen's awareness war, it should be that the plot should be written as Taiwan's "heroic victory, and it should not be so heavy."

But in fact, the English digital TV channel of the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan was launched in 2022. At that time, there were new attempts to comment on the DPP government to promote the soft power of Taiwan."Publicity operation.Today, the official investment in zero -day attack quotes related discussions.

The so -called "Great Promotion" usually refers to in recent years, through various institutions or tools such as media and cultural and entertainment products, to publicize political concepts and national imageWork.

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in the struggle

Although "Dawai President" usually gives people a negative impression, some analysts said that in the final analysis, Da Waixuan is one of the propaganda work of selling its own country's "Soft Power".The so -called soft power "external propaganda" must have "hard power" behind the effect, such as the assistance of capital or military power.

Dr. Zuri LineTsky, a Truman National Security Project, said that China ’s soft power investment is often, that is, the large -scale“ hard power ”category is often a large.Investment comes from scale.He said that over the years, more and more foreign propaganda has been in Asia -especially on the surroundings of Taiwan and the South China Sea and other territorial issues of Taiwan and other territorial issues.

Dr. George Soroka, a lecturer in Harvard University Government, has long studied the Russian propaganda strategy for a long time.He believes that the national deployment of propaganda (Propaganda) offensive has always been much stronger. The Kremlin has used the "public declaration" -s, such as the first defender of Western Christianity and Europe, which claims to be Russia -and "COVERT" (COVERT).─ ─ For example, spreading false information -to two ways to carry out foreign propaganda infiltration of other countries.

Needeski said that in the face of the soft power promotion of different target areas, he emphasized that from the statistics of statistics from some international think tanks in the Philippines, South Korea, Australia, or Taiwan in recent years."In the final analysis, if the promotion of soft power to achieve the maximum effect is usually" means balanced hard power.All big powers must maintain this balance."He explained.

"Now all countries know how to use their soft power, so there is room for space to resist it. Taiwan's album or one of them is an attempt; but Taiwan needs to trade with China, so it is in contact with China.Media reports and the public actively participate in policy issues, raise public awareness, and understand what is happening and not happening.

Professor Solka said that the approach to promoting the photographic collection of photography in Taiwan may also have the risk of being marked as a major publicity. "But the effort of resistance to the outside world must not be passive, but to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, but need to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, but you need to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, but you need to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, but you need to take the initiative to take the initiative.Strike, try to prevent the society immunity from false information, whether it is from inside or overseas.

He also said that in order to fight malicious foreign propaganda or cognitive wars, the cultivation of critical thinking and media literacy on campus is the basic work.

Professor Chen Yining believes that the production and distribution strategy based on zero -day attack is likely to start discussions on war within Taiwan, rather than propagating overseas.Therefore, this film should be the reflection of the possibility of the Taiwanese's possibility of war, "how should you face it," she said.

Chen Yining emphasized that compared with the Internet information, art and cultural products will have a longer fermentation process. Generally speaking, the influence is longer or deeper: "But whether it is publicity or not, everyone does not need to be too anxious, because the album album is album, because the album album is album, because the album album is album, because the album album is the album.After watching, the public will have their own feelings or thoughts, "Drop in your heart, which is enough."