Taiwan media reported that Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the people who were trapped in the fake ledger storm, would hold a press conference on Thursday (August 29) to announce the leave order to the Party Central Committee and leave the party chairman for the time being.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Dao Mirror Weekly reported that Ke Wenzhe had decided to hold a political donation on Thursday to clarify a press conference, announcing that the Party Central Committee will be delivered to the Party Central Committee.investigation.

It is reported that once China Rating will suspend the right to suspend or expel party membership on Ke Wenzhe, the people's party may set off the power between the systems within the party.

However, the people spokesman Wu Yixuan said that the relevant reports did not ask the people party to verify, and the spokesman's team had nothing to know, and other contents would be explained to the reporter's meeting.

Ke Wenzhe is currently trapped in the three major cases of political contributions and fake accounts, Jinghua City, and other three major cases.When the chartered public and the emphasis on the party's party, the voice of Ke Wenzhe's demanding Ke Wenzhe inside and outside the party continued.

He Jingrong, a Dan Daisian Assistant Professor of the Council of the People's Party Jesus selected by the people's party shirts, called on Tuesday (August 27) to call on Ke Wenzhe to resign the party chairman, and the Central Committee member Huang Guochang was temporarily on behalf of;Honoring also called on the people to debrily, otherwise they could not stop bleeding, "grass will become weeds."

In this regard, Wu Yixuan, a spokesman for the people party, said: "All parties have heard of opinions. At this stage, I hope to work hard in the party to face the difficulties together." Ke Wenzhe also responded on Tuesday: "Come to a reporterYes, let's make it clear and deal with it all at once.

According to the interview notice received by the media, the attendees of the press conference include Ke Wenzhe, the then director of the competition, Huang Shanshan, Chen Zhizhen, the deputy director of the then competition, and Zhou Yuxiu, the secretary -general of the people.