Zhou Dian, Speaker of the Pingtung County Council of Taiwan, was suspected of violating the law for Hon Hai's founder Guo Taiming for the presidential acquisition of the company.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times and Zhongshi News reported that the Pingtung District Court judged on Tuesday (August 27) in the afternoon of the Corporation of the Corporation of the Presidential Vice Presidential Election Removal Law.In order to be compliant with the compliance, it was sentenced to four years in prison and fined 5 million yuan (NT $, Tong Tong, S $ 200,000).

Zhou Dian theory regrets the results of the judgment and said that he will appeal to the innocence.

The Pingtung County Government said that Zhou Dian's discussion involves the presidential selection method rather than the public officials, so there is no issue of suspension.

In this case, in order to help Guo Taiming run for the president, Zhou Dianjun delivered 5 million yuan to the defendant of the same case and the Chaozhou mayor who was slowly prosecuted.It is required to be connected in the model of "Mouse Association", hoping to rush to 10,000 scholarships.

Zhou Dian theory emphasizes that these 5 million yuan is a work fee of the company and cannot be issued to the voters. HoweverThe Presidential Vice Presidential Election Removal Law was delivered.