Taiwan Foreign Minister Lin Jialong and Secretary -General of the National Security Council Wu Zhaoxuan reportedly visited the United States this week.

The Financial Times quoted sources on Thursday (August 22) that the two held talks called "special pipelines" with the United States in the Washington region.

The Taiwan United Daily reported that "special pipeline" refers to the high -level dialogue between the United States.Taiwan -American officials held this dialogue in Annapolis, Maryland in September 2021.

U.S. -American officials held this dialogue again at the US Association (AIT) headquarters at the Taiwan Association (AIT) on February 21 last year.ARlington, headquartered in Virginia, is only across the bridge from Washington.

Lianhe Daily also pointed out that under the restrictions of the non -official relationship between Taiwan and the United States, there are Taiwan Zhengzheng Vice President, Chief Executive, Foreign Minister and Minister of Defense.Building and other restrictions.Special pipeline talks set up since 2021 are held near Washington, and keep low -key to avoid angry Beijing.