(Taipei Comprehensive News) Li Mengyan, the Minister of Transport, who had been in office for 100 days, was exposed to extramarital affairs. The relevant photos spread on the Internet on Monday (August 19). He apologized and resigned quickly.

Comprehensive United News Network and Zhongshi News Network News, some netizens published articles and photos on the Internet discussion platform PTT on the Internet discussion platform on the Internet, saying that Li Mengyan and Zhang, a woman named Zhang, who lived in Xinbei, had a ten -year underground relationship.The article pointed out that after Li Mengyan took office, he began to leave the other person out of cold.

Li Mengyan inspected the Kenting Meteorological Radar Station on Monday morning. He originally scheduled to take the high -speed rail from the left camp to return to Taipei at noon.But after the Internet broke the news, he changed his schedule and changed from Tainan to the north of the high -speed rail to avoid the media with the group.

Li Mengyan issued a statement on the afternoon of the same day. In response to his personal past behavior, his wife and his family had a great trouble, which caused the public to have a poor sense of perception and sincerely expressing the deepest apology.

Statement stated that he had resigned verbally to Taiwan Lai Qingde and Chief Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai in the afternoon, and hoped that he would not affect the public's confidence in the public's colleagues and the administrative team because of past personal behavior.

Chen Shikai, a spokesman for the Taiwan Executive Yuan, called on Monday that in order to respect Li Mengyan's personal wishes, Zhuo Rongtai had already resigned and affirmed his courage to face.

Li Mengyan took over the Minister of Communications on May 20th, and worked for 92 days until Monday, which is the second short time of the traffic term of Taiwan's term.Prior to this, Chen Liang, the first Minister of Transport in Taiwan in 1950, was less than two months.