The Kuomintang chairman of Taiwan, Zhu Lilun, said in the United States that the Kuomintang continued to stabilize regional security through exchanges and dialogues. It is believed that the United States can fully understand that the Kuomintang is a stable force.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that Zhu Lilun took the opportunity to visit the United States from Taiwan late on Thursday (August 15). On the 16th local time, he attended the Kuomintang National Party Cadre Senate of the Kuomintang National Party Cadres.

Zhu Lilun reiterated that "pro -beauty, friendly day, and Zhongzhong" is an important diplomatic route of the Kuomintang.He pointed out that the Kuomintang has long been closely related to the United States Democratic and Republican parties.The Kuomintang has previously sent representatives to attend the National Congress of the Republican Party. Next week, the Democratic Party ’s National Congress will also be sent to the Kuomintang.The Kuomintang can make the United States deeply feel the Kuomintang's pro -American position.

When talking about cross -strait relations, Zhu Lilun emphasized that the Kuomintang is looking forward to maintaining regional stability and promoting cross -strait peace, which is consistent with the US position.The Kuomintang will also continue to stabilize regional security through exchange dialogue. It is believed that the United States can fully understand and accept the Kuomintang as a stable force.

In addition to participating in the National Party Cadre Cadre Study Conference, Zhu Lilun also visited the traditional overseas Chinese community in Chinatown, San Francisco, and then went to the Hoover Research Institute of Stanford University to talk to scholars on the US election and the United States in regional security issues.It will also have a dinner with people from the scientific and technological community in Silicon Valley.After finishing the San Francisco trip, Zhu Lilun will fly to Houston to participate in the National Association of Township in the United States.