The Ministry of National Security of Mainland China stated that more than a thousand Taiwan spy stolen cases have been cracked continuously, and a large number of spy intelligence networks built on the mainland have been destroyed.

The Ministry of National Security of Mainland China on Tuesday (August 13) issued a post on WeChat public account to resolutely fight against Taiwan's anti -spy anti -spy struggle.The article is equipped with three pictures, one of which is "the rule of law, the sword of the rule of law, cutting the monsters and removing the independence", the word "independence" is the green background;The text "the motherland is unified, and the general trend of history."

The article wrote that cross -strait relations have turned straight up, and the situation of the Taiwan Straits is tense. The root cause is that the DPP adheres to Taiwan's independence and refuses to recognize the 1992 consensus.Extremely tearing, serious economic recession, and unprecedented dilemma of people's livelihood.

The article said that in the face of Taiwan independence division forces, the mainland national security organs continued to consolidate the results of anti -spy anti -spy struggle for anti -split interference anti -spy struggle, and strictly precautsed and strictly crack down on intelligence theft and penetration destruction activities implemented on the mainland.Strict punishment.

The article said that the mainland has continuously cracked more than a thousand Taiwan spy secrets, and killed a large number of spy intelligence networks built on the mainland; arrested and reviewed Yang Zhiyuan and others, innovated to pursue Taiwan ’s independence for suspected division of the country.Law enforcement judicial practice of molecular criminal liability; timely frustration of Taiwan independence split forces to linked external forces to provocate and conspiracy, and effectively counter -control the situation in the Taiwan Strait and intervene in Taiwan's issues.

The article emphasizes that all Taiwan independence stubborn stubborn molecules will be taken by criminal punishment measures to severely punish non -loan according to law, and for life accountable according to law.The National Security Organ will resolutely implement the opinions on punishing the "Taiwan independence" stubbornly split the country and inciting the criminal of the state, and make every effort to achieve due contributions to the realization of the motherland.

Recently, mainland China has further increased its pressure on Taiwan independence people.After the announcement of the punishment of Taiwan ’s independence of Taiwan on June 21, Mainland China’ s Taiwan Affairs Office of China ’s Taiwan Affairs Office added a“ Stubborn Stubborn Stubborn Molecular ”column on the official website on the official website and encouraged the outside world to report the independence of Taiwan independence.