(Taipei Comprehensive News) Taiwan will purchase a device that can improve the fighter tracking system from the United States to strengthen the ability of the Taiwan Army to investigate the ability to hiding fighters such as the F -20 of Mainland China.

Comprehensive Freedom Times and Zhongtian News reported that the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense announced on Friday (July 12) in the announcement of the bidding announcement.Tracking 17 procurement contracts including the Investigation System (IRST), the decision amount is 11.25 million yuan (NT $ 460 million), and the delivery was completed before December 31, 2030.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan stated in the announcement that the mainland's normal dispatch of military aircraft and drone invading the air defense identification zone of the mainland, affecting the freedom of Taiwan airspace operations, and a severe military threat.

The United States announced the military sales case last August.A military person revealed that the new equipment will be used in 66 F-16V (BLK70) fighters purchased from the United States.

Decision announcement shows that the performance of the military purchase case is Taitung County.The Air Force Valley Base in Taitung is the future deployment place of the 66 fighters.

IRST, developed by Lockheed Martin, is a plug -in equipment that is loaded under the belly of the fighter.This device can detect the infrared signal issued by the enemy aircraft from 150 kilometers, which helps improve the ability of the F-16 fighter to detect the mainland J-20 and other hidden fighters, or the low radar reflection target.

According to Shu Xiaohuang, an associate researcher at the Taiwan National Defense Court, the radar is not easy to detect hiding fighters, but the hiding fighter will also generate heat sources due to rubbing air during flight, and the engine operation will also have heat sources. Therefore, infrared reconnaissance can be used.