Image source, nick chen

Taiwanese hairstyle Nick is forty years old this year, but it still looks young and when she is dressed.He recently announced a marriage news in social media, saying that he knew a 18 -year -old Vietnamese woman through an agency, and confirmed his marriage in two days, and expressed his strong willingness to be eager to give birth to children.He also revealed that it cost about 700,000 Taiwan dollars for this.

As soon as the news came out, the public opinion of Taiwan was detonated.Nick's old posts in social media Threads had only a single response, but the wedding banquet with the bride will leave thousands of days in just a few days.

A multinational marriage, especially a family composed of "Vietnamese bride" and "young and old", is not uncommon in Taiwan, but netizens believe that Nick is "handsome and dressed up", and the typical Taiwanese male image gap in the transnational marriage.Very big, so it has attracted much attention.The age of 22 is 22 years old, and a foreign agency marriage on the premise of having children is more questioned.

But scholars believe that the online argument caused by Nick reflects the gap between Taiwan men and women for fertility and the anxiety of men's anxiety about the succession of the presence.

Image source, nick chen

In mid -June this year, Nick was arranged to go to Vietnam from Taiwan agencies to meet more than a dozen girls. Finally, he looked at each other with Chen Jingui from the villages around Ho Chi Minh City.After knowing it for two days, a wedding ceremony was held locally.

He explained in an interview that he has always wanted to have a child. He had a relationship that had been nearly 10 years old. His ex -wife was 8 years old. At first, his ex -wife had a reservation of children.The two talents are actively preparing for pregnancy or even IVF, but they failed to succeed.Because his ex -wife opposed adoption, the two of them broke the marriage.

In the past three years, I have dated more than a dozen Taiwanese girls, but he feels that "Taiwanese girls have higher requirements for economic conditions". With his existing deposit, he cannot find Taiwan, who is willing to marry him in a short time.Female, coupled with the marriage of Taiwan and Vietnam.He believes that "Vietnamese girls in (Taiwan) will be willing to work with boys, and it is easier to satisfy ?? These feelings seem to be in line with the objects I want to find."

Originally sharing personal experience, but Nick mentioned the contrast of age, fertility, and ideas in social media in social media, and detonated the online war.

Some netizens criticize that there is no emotional foundation with a quick marriage that is exchanged for conditions. Is it a tool to treat the woman as a desire to have children?Choosing to go to Vietnam to find young women through agencies, do you use the differences in economic and culture to enlarge their own advantages of choosing a spouse, but is it an exploitation of local women?Some female netizens believe that the problem lies in "buying and selling". "If he finds (Taiwan) at the age of 18, who is 18 -year -old is willing to get pregnant immediately, who will criticize him?"

But some male netizens support Nick's choice and ridicule: "It is difficult for a Taiwanese girl to love money and it is difficult to serve.People think that women criticize NICK's deep reasons for their own anxiety. "The Taiwanese women are anxious, and even the 40 -year -old Taiwanese man is looking for a foreign country."

The gender gap between marriage and childbirth is stressful with the passage of the seizure

"The dialogue between the two parties (on the battle) did not intersection," Zhang Weixuan, who founded the online media "Women's Fans", which was founded by gender issues in 2012.

Zhang Weixuan said that the "simplicity" recognized by Nick actually covers diverse and complex issues such as gender, economy, race, national citizen?It has become a weapon to attack specific groups.

She for example, when Nick talked about the negative experience when dating in a Taiwanese girl, "created his individual experience into a collective structural phenomenon", so that the part of the anxiety of "too high awareness of feminism" was originally anxious aboutMen have become the target of attack; women who believe that "Taiwanese men only want to find young and obedient women to come to give birth to children" also took the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction.

"The pressure of men's biography is very stressful, and now women can choose a lot of lifestyles and do not have to marry." Zhou Bi'e, honor retired professor of the Institute of Sociology, Tsinghua University, said that the gap in the demand for marriage and childbirth is a result.One of the reasons for Taiwanese men and women.Although Taiwan is legalized, it seems that the concept of gender is advanced. "But it is still very traditional in marriage with Chuanzong."

According to a survey issued by the Taiwan Central Research Institute in 2022, in 2020, men aged 29 to 43 years old, the proportion of unmarried is 9%higher than women, and the unmarried men who want to get married account for about 55%, and unmarried women account for 37%.Essence

The traditional concept of marriage and childbirth is also the main reason for the large number of spouses in Southeast Asian.

In the 1990s, Taiwan set off a surge in cross -border marriage -the agent took a single man to find a spouse in Southeast Asia.At that time, many men who had embarked on a cross -country marriage were low in socioeconomic and economic, or because of their age, physical and mental disorders, etc., it was difficult to find the marriage object in Taiwan.

engaged in Taiwan Yueyue Yueyue Yueyue Yueyue Yueyue Yueyue YueyueGuo Mingzong, who is 25 years of marriage agency, reviews the enthusiastic situation of the early marriage in Taiwan and Vietnam. "At the peak, there should be nearly 20,000 pairs a year."

Guo Mingzong said that his parties are 35 to 60 years old, and Nick, 40 years old, is relatively young.Some Taiwanese media described Nick with "high -handsome men". His appearance and career did not meet the "stereotypes" in the past.

Who did the "buying and selling marriage"?

Nick explained that he said "cost 700,000" (about 2.2 million US dollars), which includes 380,000 Taiwan dollars that pay for agencies to arrange blind dates, translations, documents, and hire a female family of 60,000 NT $ 60,000.He also had to go to the next two times to complete the tickets and accommodation costs for Vietnam to complete the marriage formalities, and the cost and living expenses for his wife to learn Chinese.

Nick said that Chen Jingui was a blind date that was arranged very late that day, and the two did not have a long time to get along.The night before the engagement was still strange to each other. After the engagement ceremony, the two interacted were more natural.At present, through translation software, Taiwan and Vietnam continue to know each other long distances.

A professional marriage agency that legal filed a case in Taiwan will talk about the budget and signing the contract before taking the parties to Vietnam.Guo Mingzong took out his company's contract. On the document, the white paper and black words said that "the hiring market is about 2000 to 6,000 yuan (about 60,000 to 180,000)." The wedding gold jewelry was discussed by the men and women, and it was also a self -funded project.

Guo Mingzong believes that professional marriage agencies provide media cooperation platforms, agencies collect service fees, women obtain money and living expenses during the formalities in Vietnam.Selling.

Zhou Bi'e analyzed: "Marriage is an economic exchange. The marriage system itself is not a romantic thing, not only the part of love and love. It has the consideration of social stability and economic factors."In love, when talking about marriage, you must not talk about money.

"Based on the position of supporting women's rights and interests to oppose buying and sell marriage", Zhang Weixuan believes that it is necessary to deal with it very carefully.To discuss whether a marriage involves buying and selling, can’tIgnore the voice of the parties.

Zhang Weixuan said that some netizens posted the man on the "patriarchal" label, regarding the woman as the party who was forced to accept, to some extent ignored the active rights of the woman (choose to participate in cross -border blind date, choose to marry to marry to marry to marry to marry to marry.Which foreign men ??, etc.), may inadvertently add "passive", "weak", "selling their bodies" at the time of "sympathy for the woman", adding the stereotypes of the body.

Chen Jingui, who is still in Vietnam in Vietnam, also opened the Threads account. She translated the software and wrote in Chinese: "I will spend time prove that I voluntarily came to my husband andIt was not as other people said, because I was bought and sold, it was wrong. "And emphasized that" my family has not been poor enough to sell our daughter. "

She shows that she does not need future husbands to support the economy of native families.

Mother Liu Qianping from Vietnam believes: "A arbitrarily saying that transnational agencies marriages are buying and selling, which will form a social prejudice or contempt chain." Do your mother come to Taiwan for money?Is your dad too poor and can't marry his wife??? All kinds of prejudices may make children of multinational families dare not say their immigration background. "Hidden my mother from the fact that the country is relatively backward in economic development in Taiwan, so as not to be suspected of being suspicion.Fabile "

30 years of marriage in Taiwan: For a better life?

According to the statistics of the Immigration Department of the Ministry of the Interior, there are currently 597,000 foreign spouses in Taiwan.The highest proportion of Chinese nationality is 60%, and the second is Vietnamese, with about 118,000 people, accounting for nearly 20%of the number of foreign spouses.

In the 2000s, the number of marriage immigrants from Southeast Asia reached its peak.Among them, Vietnam has grown the fastest.

But in 2004, the "Duan Shi Ling's abuse cases" that shocked the society broke out. A couple who could not have children first agreement to divorce fake divorce, and then married a Vietnamese woman back to Taiwan through the agency.Duan's Ri Ling had been imprisoned by her husband and husband's ex -wife in 2002 and was abused by her husband and husband. She was only 20 kilograms left. She was finally abandoned on the side of the road. Her experience was exposed.


Duan Ri Ling case was widely reported in Vietnam, causing strong dislike of the Vietnamese people over Taiwan.Since then, the Vietnamese government has strengthened the qualification review of Taiwan and Vietnam's marriage, and changed from the original collective interview to one -on -one interviews.Originally two months can be completed in Taiwan, which is extended.The government hopes to reduce the case of fake marriage and cheating.Guo Mingzong recalled that the number of Vietnamese spouses who came to Taiwan really decreased significantly after the formalities became strict.

In addition to extreme abuse, new immigrants come to Taiwan. Under the condition of relatively weak language, culture, and economic conditions, they are more or less treated with inequality.

Akin in Taiwan in 2003 said that it was very popular to marry foreigners at that time. At that time, in order to make more money to improve the economic situation at home, she signed a blind date with the sisters in the village and came from the countryside to Ho Chi Minh.The city dates met her husband who lived in Yunlin.

"When I first came to Taiwan, I wouldn't say a word and hid in the room every day." She said that her husband didn't like her to eat Vietnamese food and made Vietnamese friends, asking her to integrate into Taiwan.She relies on self -study, and now she is fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese. She is currently engaged in the translation of Vietnamese migrant agencies. Although her husband opposes her job in contact with the Vietnamese, she no longer has opinions.Now that the child is old, she also finds the way to get along with her husband. She has no regrets for the decision to marry Taiwan.

In 2017, the study of the status of marriage status after the naturalization of foreign spouses published by the Ministry of the Interior showed that from 2008 to 2016, the divorce rate of foreign spouses after Taiwan citizenship was 24%, which was 14%higher than Taiwan ’s overall divorce.

Looking at the statistics of the Ministry of the Interior, the original Vietnamese women who handle the divorced Vietnamese women have exceeded 2,000 people each year in the past ten years.

Ruan Jinhong, director of Vietnamese documentary, shoots out of marriage with his own experience, and records the process of crossing the dream of cross -border marriage in Taiwan in Taiwan.

Ruan Jinhong married to Taiwan at the age of 21 and soon became pregnant.Her husband loves gambling and fists her feet. The husband thinks she is "bought by money" without respecting her.She endured for 8 years before proposing a divorce, and after a long lawsuit to obtain her daughter's guardianship.

Ruan Jinhong believes that the main reason for the new residents of Vietnamese to choose to divorce is "not being kindly treated by family members in Taiwan."

"If you are a good husband and a good father today, even if you have no money today, but you are a good man, who would want to leave you?"