Taiwan Lai Qingde has contributed to the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's contribution to Taiwan -Japan relations, and hopes to see Taiwan and Japan's continuous deepening partnership and face global challenges together.

According to the official website of Taiwan's government, Lai Qingde was on Sunday (July 7) as the "three -time taboos" of Abe and "the second session of the second prime minister Cheng Abe's three legacy meetings".

Lai Qingde said that Shinzo Abe is a great political leader. "We are deeply reluctant to the death of his death and gratitude and gratitude to him will continue."

He said that when in the past, Abe always reached out for the first time and also spoke internationally internationally."We will not forget this sincere friendship."

Lai Qingde pointed out that Abe has been committed to maintaining the value of democracy, freedom, and human rights throughout his life. The free opening of India he proposed and the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait he valued all have a profound impact on the international situation.

He thanked Abe's contribution to Taiwan -Japan relations again. He hoped that in the future, Taiwan will continue to deepen his partnership with Japan, facing global challenges together, and bringing more fruitful results in Taiwan and Japan.Create a better future.

Abe was shot on the morning of July 8, 2022, and was sent to the hospital for five hours to declare the dysfunction at the age of 67.

Chinese President Xi Jinping died on July 9, 2022 Abe's death to Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, Kishita.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Abe made a useful contribution to promoting improvement of Sino -Japanese relations during his tenure."I have reached an important consensus on constructing Sino -Japanese relations that meet the requirements of the new era. I feel sorry for his sudden death."