Taiwan National Security Director Cai Mingyan pointed out that Douyin (overseas version is TIKTOK) and social platform Xiaohongshu have become the distribution platform of controversial information.He also said that there are more than 5 million Tiktok users in Taiwan.

Comprehensive Yiping News Network, ETTODAY News Cloud, and Zhongguang News reported that Cai Mingyan reported on Monday (July 8) to the Legislative Council Foreign Defense Commission's project report and prepared inquiries.

Cai Mingyan said in a joint interview before the meeting that Douyin and Xiaohongshu are indeed the main platform of current dispute information.If you find the relevant abnormal account, you will notify the situation to the government ministries, explain and clarify the first time, and avoid continuous spread of dispute information.

Cai Mingyan further said that in the traceable search section, if the abnormal account is in Taiwan, if there is an illegal fact, it will be transferred to the judicial organs for investigation; if the abnormal account is abroad, it will share it with international friends.Related information, including the network and type of abnormal account.

Cai Mingyan pointed out that there are currently more than 5 million TIKTOK users in Taiwan, so they call on the people of Taiwan to pay attention to security issues.He said that the Digital Development Department had warned the relevant community software to have security risks in 2022. I hope that the public will pay attention to this problem and avoid downloading community software with security issues.

For the follow -up investigation of rumors about previous official media reporters who went to Taiwan to follow Taiwan's Taiwan TV Political Science Program, Cai Mingyan reiterated that the relevant information of the National Security Bureau had been transferred to the investigation bureau for investigation.

As for the incident, a Taiwanese media reported to the mainland reporter that Cai Mingyan said that the prosecutor had launched an investigation and said that the case had entered the judicial procedure and respected the prosecution investigation process.And result.

The freedom of the Green Report reported on June 25 that some senior media people broke the news that a political program produced by a TV station in Taiwan.Participation is mostly criticized the DPP government.