Taiwan officials announced that 15 Taiwanese were detained and tried when 15 Taiwanese went to mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, and suggested that Taiwan go to Lu to carry new mobile phones.

Comprehensive Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud and Free Times reported that Taiwan National Security Director Cai Mingyan said on Monday (July 8) at the meeting of the Legislative Council's Foreign Defense Commission meeting that since last year, 15 people were detained and tried.In addition, 51 other people were inquired by mainland China during their entry and said that the case was increasing.

Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the MAC who also attended the meeting of the National Defense Council, said: "I know many companies, and now it may be that they may bring new mobile phones when they sent Taiwanese cadres in the past.So as not to see a lot of information on the mobile phone part.Therefore, the people of Taiwan are reminded that if you want to stay in the mainland for a long time, your own electronic devices, including mobile phones, tablets, laptop computers, etc. It is better to use new ones.

Mainland China has implemented new regulations this month, involving the administrative law enforcement of national security organs and procedures for handling criminal cases.Before the implementation of the new regulations, it caused the outside world to worry about entering China in China.

Reuters quoted people familiar with the matter last week that after the mainland issued a judicial interpretation document for punishment of Taiwan ’s independence, some overseas companies considers the transfer of Taiwanese employees on the mainland to overseas.