Lin Shijie, the chairman of the Tainan City Fisheries Association, was shot dead. Taiwan Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai said that the government has been listed as the most urgent major events to deal with it, and requires the Legal Affairs Department, the Police Department and other units to fully launch

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times United Daily reported that Lin Shijie was at the door of the home in the early morning of Monday (July 8), and was closer to a double -shot with a double gun in 8 seconds.Lin Shijie's remains have been arranged to perform computer tomography and anatomical determination.

Zhuo Rongtai went to the Legislative Yuan in the morning on Tuesday (July 9) to conduct an interview before the General Assembly.The director reported to him on the current major social security incident.

Zhuo Rongtai pointed out that since he presided over the Public Security Association of the Executive Yuan on June 24, the relevant ministries have begun from June 25Simultaneous sweeping and gorgeous actions in Taiwan will continue.

He said that a major shooting incident in Tainan yesterday, in addition to the above two major large -scale greedy and critical projects, he also asked the Ministry of Justice, the Police Department, the Criminal Police Department, and even the Ministry of the Interior to this.The incident has comprehensively launched a stronger search and a stronger discovery of crimes.

Zhuo Rongtai said that the relevant units were investigating the investigation and the relevant units were investigating this incident. There were several major development processes, and the ministry would be announced to the whole society.The government also listed this incident as the most urgent and important thing, hoping to make further reports to the public as soon as possible.