(Taipei Comprehensive News) The Taiwan fishing vessel incident in mainland China has not yet come to an end. There is another fishing boat in Taiwan on Friday (July 5th) by the Japanese Aquatic Aquatic Affairs Department's official ship.At the request of the Japanese party, a fine of more than 6 million yen (about $ 50,000) was paid on the same day.

Comprehensive Zhongshi News Network and United News Network reported that Keelung Badouzi "Fuyang No. 266" fishing boat on Friday was at 288 northeast in the northeast of Pengjiayu, that is, 1.5 nautical miles outside the Taiwan tentative law enforcement line (2.77Placed by the kilometer), the Japanese Aquatic Affairs Department's official ship was inspected and deducted. The captain and the head of the wheel were taken to the Japanese official ship for investigation, and the remaining six Indonesian crew members remained on the boat.

The boat involved is a fishing boat fishing and locking. On June 25th, he went out of the port from Baidouzi in Keelung.According to the Taiwan Maritime Patrol Department, after the inspection of the Taiwan personnel in Japan, related vessels were suspected of entering the waters near Japan's Amami Island to operate. For the violation of the local fishery norms, they were banned by the Japanese Aquatic Affairs Department of the Aquatic Aquatic Agency.

A fisherman of Badouzi said that the sea area where the ships involved were forcibly intercepted were located in the Gonghai, which was about 170 sea from the northwest of Japan.There were often Taiwanese fishermen in related sea areas.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on the official website on Friday that after the report was reported, they learned about the situation and expressed concern through diplomatic channels in Taipei as soon as possible.Responsibility, request to release people boat as soon as possible.

After half a day of being detained, the "Fuyang 266" fishing boat owner said at noon on Friday that the Japanese side agreed to pay 6 million yen as long as the shipowee pays the fine and remit the amount into the Fukuoka office account.You can return to Taiwan.

The shipowner completed the remittance that afternoon. He criticized Taiwan media than "more exaggerated" in mainland China, "when you see money," and he was batch of "Taiwan -Japan Friendship is a deception."

Mainland China and the Japanese Maritime Police recently stopped investigating Taiwan fishing vessels at sea.Taiwan's Penghu fishing boat "Great Entry No. 88" on Tuesday (July 2) operated in the northeast of the northeast of Kinmen, and was inspected by the mainland maritime police ship and returned to Fujian Weitou Port.

Since the official communication channels on both sides of the strait have been interrupted since the DPP government came to power in 2016, the Penghu Cross -Strait Exchange Association is still negotiating with the mainland.