Former Kuomintang Chairman Hong Xiuzhu will lead nearly 200 young people to land on Saturday (July 6) to participate in the youth development forum on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

According to the official website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on Friday (5th) that the seventh Straits Cross -Strait Youth Development Forum will be in Hangzhou and Hangzhou, Zhejiang and 12th from July 6th to 12th.Ningbo, Jinhua, Lishui and other places were held. On the afternoon of July 8th, the opening meeting and main forum were held in Hangzhou.

Song Tao, director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang and chairman of the Chinese Qingyan Peace Education Foundation, Hong Xiuzhu will be invited to attend the forum.About 800 guests such as both sides of the strait and young representatives from all walks of life will participate in the activities of the forum.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, Hong Xiuzhu said that the situation on both sides of the strait after the 520s was tight, and the development of cross -strait relations stagnated or even reflux.In order to promote youth exchanges on both sides of the strait for many years, she has opened peace for the next generation.

It is reported that Hong Xiuzhu and his party are expected to visit in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Jinhua, Yiwu and Lishui, Zhejiang Province.The secretary of the committee Yi Lianhong met.

Hong Xiuzhu's office pointed out that the 7th Straits of the Cross -Strait Youth Development Forum will be unveiled in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on July 8. There are more than 500 young friends on both sides of the strait."Create the future", it is hoped that youths on both sides of the strait will be shared and fused to create a new era.