In response to Taiwan media reports, a political program of a TV station in Taiwan has the attention of official media reporters in mainland China.develop.

On Wednesday (June 26) of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Office, a spokesman Zhu Fenglian responded that the report of the Free Times is a complete fake news, which is purely a rumor, and refers to the DPP.The official uses the malicious discreditation of attacking the mainland, deceived the people on the island, and "extremely sinister with heart."

She criticized that the DPP officials were accustomed to instructing the green camp media and the nursing online troops to cognitive fraud on the people of Taiwan, differentiation of Taiwanese society, and inciting the opposition between the two sides of the strait;Holding different stances of the media, engaging in "green horror", creating a cicada effect, roughly depriving Taiwanese people's legitimate rights and interests, seriously infringing on the interests of the people of Taiwan, and destroying the development of cross -strait relations.

Zhu Fenglian also said that the DPP official was sued that the DPP official immediately stopped harming the vital interests of Taiwanese compatriots and destroying the development of cross -strait relations for political and private interest.

The pro -Green Media Free Times reported on Tuesday (25th) that some senior media people broke the news that a political program produced by a TV station in Taiwan.Highly involved, mostly criticized the DPP government.

Qiu Cuizheng, the chairman of the Taiwan MAC, confirmed in the Legislative Yuan's response to inquiries on Tuesday that the political programs broadcast by a TV station in Taiwan, and the reporter of the Xinhua News Agency in Taiwan in TaiwanThe effect of the "Taiwan -Taiwan", the MAC and the competent authority of the Ministry of Culture will do an administrative investigation together.