Taiwan Lai Qingde just made a month -on -month inauguration. Mainland China issued legal documents on punishment for the split country of independence in Taiwan on Friday (June 21). The most heavier sentence can be sentenced to death.Interviewed scholars analyzed that this was a warning of Lai Qingde, but it could also cause the cold effect and dissatisfaction of Taiwanese society.

The Supreme People's Court of China, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly held a press conference at the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Friday afternoon to announce the punishment of the "Taiwan independence" stubbornly split state in accordance with the law,Opinion.This opinion will be implemented from the date of release.

The opinions are divided into four parts in total. According to the provisions announced by Xinhua News Agency, the second part of the provision clearly defines the determination of crimes, which will include initiating and establishing a Taiwan independence division organization."Legal status", even by promoting international organizations or abroad by promoting Taiwan's participation in the participation of sovereignty countries, official exchanges, military connections, etc., we have created "two China", "one China and one", "Taiwan's independence,"Conflicia and punishment for dividing national crimes.

In addition, "using power in the fields of education, culture, history, news and media, distorted and tampered with Taiwan's fact that Taiwan was part of China, or for the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and the unified national party, groups, and personnel."Included.

Opinions also stipulate that if the primary or crime is significant, it is sentenced to life imprisonment or more than 10 years in prison. Among them, those who are particularly harmful to the country and the people and the circumstances are particularly bad, and they can be sentenced to death.

In the third part of the "correct application procedure", the provisions stipulate that the trial may be absent.Zhang Qingbin, deputy director of the major criminal procuratorate of the Supreme People's Procuratorate in China, explained at a press conference that if a crime that seriously endangers national security needs to be tried in a timely manner, after approval by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, he may file a public prosecution on the defendant abroad according to law.

The opinion also mentioned that if the relevant criminal acts are continuous or continued, the period of prosecution is calculated from the date of the end of the criminal act.After the case is accepted, if the investigation or trial is evaded, it will not be restricted by the period of prosecution.

Sun Ping, deputy director of the Legal System Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, should further pointed out at the press conference that this means that no matter where he is suspected, he will hold accountable for life according to law.

Since 2021, the mainland has announced a total of three waves of "Taiwan independence stubborn" list, a total of 10 people.When the current vice president of Taiwan, Xiao Meiqin, was included in the representative of the United States. Lai Qingde, who claimed to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", was not on the list.

In addition, at the regular press conference held by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Office on May 15th, five punishment lists of five Taiwanese media famous names have also been announced, which means that they deliberately build false and negative information about the mainland, creating cross -strait hostility opposition between opposition between cross -strait hostilityIt hurts the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, the facts are clear and the circumstances are serious.

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, revealed at the time that legal measures would be issued to the "Taiwan independence stubborn elements" to severely crack down the splitting of the country and incite the criminal behavior of the state.

For the above comments, Bao Chengke, deputy director of the Shanghai East Asia Research Institute, interpreted in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. After Lai Qingde was in office, the mainland had warned the mainland through military exercises and the economy.Maintain Taiwan independence discussion.

Bao Chengke pointed out that this time, it warned that if Lai Qingde was not adjusted, the mainland would inevitably have stronger means.

Zhang Hongyuan, an associate professor of the Department of International Trade, Taiwan Zhili University of Science and Technology, who was former deputy director of the Ministry of Mainland Affairs of the Kuomintang, analyzed this newspaper. This opinion is that the mainland tries to restrict Taiwan's internal political claims through its own criminal law, and then shows the sovereignty and governance of Taiwan.Essence

But he pointed out that in Taiwan, the law protects people's right to discuss political claims freely.The approach of the land side may cause the cold effect and dissatisfaction of the Taiwan society, and it will only push the people of Taiwan to the opposite side.

台湾政府的大陆委员会星期五晚间也发布新闻稿强调,北京对台完全不具司法管辖权,並指这种做法只会挑起两岸人民间的对立,严重影响两岸人民往来交流,无助于The healthy development of cross -strait relations.