In mainland China on Friday (June 21), after making specific provisions on punishing "Taiwan independence" conviction standards and procedure specifications, Taiwan's mainland committee saysConfrontation does not help the healthy development of cross -strait relations.

According to the press release of the Taiwan MAC, the Taiwan MAC said on Friday that the people of Taiwan enjoy unprepared freedom, democracy and rights. Beijing officials have no judicial jurisdiction to Taiwan.The norms are unrestrained to the people of Taiwan, and call on the people of Taiwan to feel at ease and not be threatened and frightened by mainland China.

The Taiwan MAC pointed out that the official approach of Beijing will only provoke the opposition between the people between the people on both sides of the strait, which seriously affects the exchanges between people on both sides of the strait.Taiwan, which supports Taiwan, to support Taiwan, which supports free and democracy in Taiwan, and propose extremely uncivilized rude provocations, "we are deeply regretful."

The Taiwan Mandarin Committee also reminds people of Taiwan to carefully think about the necessity of going to mainland China, and at the same time call for Taiwanese people to pay attention to their personal safety.

Mainland China issued the opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" stubbornly split the country and inciting national crimes in accordance with the law, and made specific provisions on punishing "Taiwan independence" conviction standards and procedure specifications.If the circumstances are significant, you can "absence trials", which is particularly harmful to the country and the people, and the circumstances are particularly bad.