The Taiwan Legislative Yuan has scheduled the reciprocation bill on the Legislative Yuan on June 21."Continuous supervision and defending democracy."

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News reported that the Taiwan Citizen Fronts on Friday (June 14) to connect to Taiwan's citizen groups in Taiwan's New Taipei City Sports Plaza, and announced that it will be on June 19On the 21st, the "blue birds" were called on the streets around the Legislative Yuan to demonstrate.

Xiao Renyou, deputy captain of the New Taipei Working Team, said that the Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed by the Legislative Yuan's authority to exercise the law amendments and the crime of contempt of the criminal law, which seriously violated the principle of separation of power of the Constitution and infringed the freedom of speech of the people.

Lawyer Lai Zhongqiang, the executive committee member of the Taiwan Citizenship Front, also pointed out that many bills promoted by the Kuomintang are also suspected of retreating democracy, including the "Three Regulations of Huadong Transportation" and the Zhongtian News that made the political position pro -blue.Amendment to the "Satellite Radio and Television Law".

He emphasized that the civic society in Taiwan does not allow democracy to retreat, and citizens will definitely come forward to defend the difficult democratic achievements.

Fan Gengwei, assistant professor of the Department of Legal of Donghua University, criticized that the revision of the law will expand the scope of contempt for the crime of Congress to the recovery of officials in the question, which is a very ridiculous system.

In addition to triggering the opposition of the Legislative Yuan on May 28 this year, in addition to triggering the opposition between the opposition and the field, it also aroused a large number of pro -green citizen groups to hold a "blue bird action" outside the Legislative Yuan for a day.The black box allows the bill to vote.

The Kuomintang legislator Xu Yuzhen criticized that the DPP has not promoted the reform of the Legislative Yuan in the past eight years. Now he only wants to call on the people to go to the streets to make trouble.She also said that the next session will be reviewed by the budget, deleting all the promotional funds for all floating edits, and will not allow the Executive Yuan and the Democratic Progressive Party to take the money of the public to do elections.