According to the DPRK -China News Agency reported on June 10, Kim, the deputy minister of the Central Committee of the North Korean Workers' Party, issued a conversation on the 9th.

It is reported that Kim and Zheng said that the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China regardless of the response to the North North North Conspiracy and the Red Line repeatedly warned, indulging in the provocation of political propaganda garbage to the country on the 6th and 7th on the 6th and 7th.As a result, the situation further deteriorated.

DPRK said that from the 6th to 8th, anti -Korean political propaganda materials from South Korea were found in many places in the DPRK.In response, the DPRK used more than 1,400 balloons in the early morning of the 8th and the early morning of the 9th to put 7.5 tons of waste paper to South Korea,

Report also said that Kim and Zheng said that the DPRK should be "legitimate" and belongs to the lowest range.

She pointed out that the DPRK had originally intended to end the relevant response on the 9th, but the situation changed because South Korea began to conduct pirate shouting and provocative activities in the border area.This situation is "very dangerous prelude".

Kim and Zheng said that in response to the response actions taken by the DPRK's provocation, South Korea publicly claimed that the "wicked first sue" method publicly claimed to restart the expansion and shouting and provocative activities to continue to create a new crisis environment.North Korea strongly condemned the ugly and childish approach of the Republic of Korea.

She also severely warned South Korea not to create a more provocative confrontation crisis and immediately stop the danger.