(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The "Dragon Step Team" of Hong Kong's anti -repair campaign movement, suspected of setting up a bomb case in the parade.According to reports, Huang Zhenqiang, the captain of the organization and the prosecutor's witness, said that the Taiwanese who had contacted the donated money claimed to be a fire.

Hong Kong media reports such as Comprehensive Wireless News Network, Wenhui.com, and English Tiger News reported that before the Hong Kong Civil Rights Front (Fontant Array), which disbanded last year, before the International Human Rights Day Parade on December 10, 2019, the Hong Kong police were in multipleSearch for weapons such as pistols and bullets in the area.The members of the Dragon Squading team were suspected of detonating the police to kill the police during the demonstration of the demonstration, and 13 people suspiciously were arrested on December 8.The seven people involved in the case did not plead guilty, and the case was renewed on Monday (May 6) in the High Court.

Huang Zhenqiang was asked by the prosecution as asked about the operation of the donation account of the Dragon Dragon Squad, saying that the account was mainly managed by the defendant of the same case, Liu Peiying; when Liu Peiying was not free, he or another member of the Dragon Dragon Team Lin Ming晧 will reply to the information.Yulong is opened for a private communication software Telegram.

The prosecution released a chat record on November 19, 2019 in the court, showing that there were Taiwanese contacts at the time and said that they could donate masks, filter cans and other materials to the Dragon Squad.Huang Zhenqiang replied to the Taiwanese and said, "I want arms more."

The prosecution also presented another chat record of Yulong, saying "you know that rich people can introduce it ... We can kill dogs at any time, and now prepare for settlement fees and arrangement."It is said that Yulong finally raised only 300,000 Hong Kong dollars (S $ 50,2026), which was far below the goal of HK $ 5 million.

Huang Zhenqiang also admits in court that some of the funds raised for personal purposes, such as buying food and clothes, and spending on entertainment and gambling.He argued that because of the savings of HK $ 50,000 to buy supplies, the members of the Dragon Dragon Slayer had no objection to his management funds.