Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde will take office on May 20th. The Kuomintang and the people’ s party jointly proposed in the Legislative Yuan of the Kuomintang and the people to invite Lai Qingde to the Legislative Yuan to make a national conditions report.The Democratic Progressive Party said that Lai Qingde was willing to report to the Legislative Yuan, but it was necessary to discuss the appropriate plan for negotiation and discussions in the opposition and regions.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Central News Agency reported that the Kuomintang proposal on Tuesday (May 7) requested Lai Qingde to report to the Legislative Yuan before conducting a governance policy report on the president of the Executive President.Lai Qingde went to the State of the State of the Legislative Yuan. The above two cases passed the Legislative Yuan's Procedure Committee on Tuesday to determine the agenda of the issue of discussion on Friday (May 10).

In this regard, Wu Siyao, the director of the Democratic Progressive Party delegation, said that the Kuomintang mentioned in the proposal instructions that he hoped that Taiwan would study the United States and French National Consultation systems.The method is to adopt "问 方式 统", "the question of answers" or "the report is left after the report", and the language is still unknown.According to the US and legal systems, the presidents of the two countries are directly stipulated after the national conditions report, and they do not accept any questions and answers.

Wu Siyao said that the people's party proposal was relatively clear. When requesting Lai Qing Germany's emotional report, they should respond to the questions raised by the legislators in accordance with the law, but the answer form still cannot be clearly judged in this proposal, so it is bestThe method is to return to the current legal system. According to Article 15 of the Law of the Law of the Court, the party and group negotiation is determined by the party and group, including the time, number of people, order, and proportion of political parties.

Wu Siyao said that, as a quasi -president, Lai Qingde has been willing to be willing to go to the Legislative Yuan's national conditions report many times in the past, but whether to answer the method must follow the current constitutional regulations and related regulations, so it is necessary to go throughThe party and group negotiations decided that the DPP's position was to be negotiated by the party and groups to formulate the way of the party groups that considers the appropriateness, but do not surrender the constitutional regulations.

When the Lai Qing Germany's love report debuted the fastest, Wu Siyao said that the Blue and White Party proposal will be ranked in the Legislative Yuan on Friday.Consultation, the date of the future national conditions report must be booked by the court.

The Legislative Yuan's authority exercise the law. The Legislative Yuan may be proposed by all the legislators of all legislatures. After the resolution of the court, the procedural committee shall arrange the agenda to listen to the presidential national conditions report on the policy of security in Taiwan.

According to Taiwan media reports, in the past, former Taiwan President Lee Teng -hui had visited the National Assembly during the administration of the National Assembly. HoweverThe Legislative Yuan's national conditions report, but the opposition may not want the national conditions report to become a presidential show, or the ruling party legislators want to protect the president, so that the agenda will not be left in the end.

Lai Qingde has stated in April that as long as the Legislative Yuan invited, it meets the constitution and current legal requirements and arrangements, and he will be happy to go to the meeting and blame.Zhou Wanlai, Secretary -General of the Legislative Yuan, said that on listening to the report of the president's national conditions, the Legislative Yuan had the right to decide in accordance with the law of the Legislative Yuan.